The path of entrance of knowledge-based business into the field of energy and environment will be paved
The path of entrance of knowledge-based business into the field of energy and environment will be paved
Presence of 134 Lecturers on the Third Congress of Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine
Presence of 134 Lecturers on the Third Congress of Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine
Zargham Expressed on the Regional Meeting of Global Research Council:
Recognition of barriers to the equity and improvement of women’s position in research
Recognition of barriers to the equity and improvement of women’s position in research
Expressed on the First Meeting of Organizing the Mechanism for Implementing the Regulation of Energy and Environment Optimization Market;
Attracting international collaborations to create energy optimization market is a priority in the country
Attracting international collaborations to create energy optimization market is a priority in the country
In the Form of an Agreement;
Accelerators will be established to produce bio cosmetics
Accelerators will be established to produce bio cosmetics
Presence of Winners of Mustafa Prize in Step Meeting
Presence of Winners of Mustafa Prize in Step Meeting
Sattari Expressed on Visit of Knowledge-based and Technological Units of Parand and Shamsabad Industrial Towns;
The determination of the Vice-Presidency in support of export of knowledge-based products
The determination of the Vice-Presidency in support of export of knowledge-based products
Manager of Strategic Technologies Laboratory Network Announced:
Optimal use of national assets in the area of laboratory infrastructures
Optimal use of national assets in the area of laboratory infrastructures
Expressed on the Meeting of Experts of Biofuels;
The uptrend use of fossil fuels is an alarm for the countrys environment
The uptrend use of fossil fuels is an alarm for the countrys environment
Sattari Expressed on the Opening Ceremony of the 15th Media Technology Summit:
Wealth creation by Iranian savings and innovation in the creative and cultural industries
Wealth creation by Iranian savings and innovation in the creative and cultural industries