With the Support of the Vice-Presidency for Science and Technology Affairs;
The food industry innovation center is established
The food industry innovation center is established
Competition of 50 ideas in the field of cognitive games began
Competition of 50 ideas in the field of cognitive games began
With the Support of the Vice-Presidency for Science and Technology Affairs;
The innovation ecosystem reached the electricity industry
The innovation ecosystem reached the electricity industry
With the Support of the Vice-Presidency for Science and Technology Affairs;
Shiraz Innovation Factory will be opened
Shiraz Innovation Factory will be opened
The Deputy of Technology Innovation and Commercialization Development Headquarter;
The private sector is the axis of associations
The private sector is the axis of associations
Students Tested Their Knowledge in Brain Field
Students Tested Their Knowledge in Brain Field
The Technology of Stone Papers Will Be Developed
The Technology of Stone Papers Will Be Developed
Technological Needs of Fermentation Industries Will Be Identified and Supplied
Technological Needs of Fermentation Industries Will Be Identified and Supplied
After Agreement with the Vice-Presidency for Science and Technology Affairs;
Creative companies will benefit from the support of the trade promotion organization
Creative companies will benefit from the support of the trade promotion organization
Be Treated Smart
Be Treated Smart