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Competition of 50 ideas in the field of cognitive games began

Competition of 50 ideas in the field of cognitive games began


“Cognitive asset and game development” is the title of this challenge. Promoting games is purely for entertainment, cognitive fostering, and supporting creative and innovative teams in the field, competing with each other with 50 ideas.

The challenge will be held by the cognitive accelerator and with the support of the cognitive sciences and technologies development headquarter. Designing cognitive digital and physical games and paper assignments are the topics of the event.

Promoting and flourishing cognitive abilities are followed up by the holders of the event. In addition, the challenge of promoting and training the cognitive science of this new and emerging knowledge is also pursued.

Teams and startups active in the field of cognitive games identify with this challenge and are supported to develop and expand their creativity and innovations.

To date, academic centers and game developing companies from 10 provinces of the country have recorded about 50 projects for assessment and evaluation. From the projects, 30 ideas are allocated to digital games and nine projects are related to physical and board games and 10 projects are a combination of both.

Moreover, in the designs and ideas proposed by these centers in this challenge, the spectrum of children and adolescents constitutes the largest target group in game design.

Proposals for academic centers and game design companies are being reviewed and evaluated by judges and experts in the field of cognitive science. In this challenge, being cognizant of the design and presence of at least one cognitive scientist in the team is an important criterion for team entry.

The winning teams (a maximum of 10 teams) will enter the pre-acceleration stage from February 19th, 2020, which will continue to April 8th, 2020.

The Cognitive Capital and Game Design Challenge is aimed at developing interdisciplinary communication and introducing cognitive games as one of the areas of entrepreneurship and investment supported by the cognitive sciences and technologies development headquarter.

A report by the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs


  • News group : NEWS,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop
  • News code : 49559


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