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In the signing ceremony of the joint cooperation agreement between the Vice Presidency of Science and the governorates

Explaining the role and plans of the provinces to realize the knowledge-based economy

The head of the Innovation and Prosperity Fund, the governors and representatives of the people of Kerman, Yazd, Markazi, Zanjan and East Azarbaijan spoke about the tasks, plans and strategies for the development of the knowledge-based economy in the signing ceremony of the joint cooperation agreement of the vice presidency for science, technology and knowledge-based economy.

According to the communication and information center in the vice presidency of science, technology and knowledge-based economy in the signing ceremony of the joint cooperation agreement between the Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy and the governorates of Kerman, Yazd, Markazi, Zanjan and East Azerbaijan in supporting the development of knowledge-based economy , each of the governors and representatives of the people of these provinces explained the plans, assignments and strategies for the development of knowledge-based economy in the Islamic Council.

Mohammad Sadegh Khayatian, Chairman of the Executive Board of Innovation and Prosperity Fund in this ceremony, referring to the complete readiness of this fund to finance the process of provincial development of knowledge-based economy, added: this agreement, in addition to showing the determination and earnestness of the provinces, shows the maturity and evolution is the ecosystem of technology and innovation. While in previous years, there was less belief and attention to transformation and the role of technology and innovation in the development of the country, today, however, expert and capable young people have achieved a very good level of technology and have made a great impact on the economy and the life of the society.

Stating that the government fully supports the knowledge-based economy, he said: If we are looking for the development of technology, solving problems, maintaining and returning elites, we must pay serious attention to the knowledge-based economy.

Khayatian added: The Innovation Fund, as a pillar of financing, pays serious attention to the issue of investment and financing of knowledge-based companies and is fully prepared to support the financing of knowledge-based companies. Creating a venture capital fund on a national scale and with a high capitalization and investment capacity can create a good opportunity to finance companies and develop the knowledge-based economy in the provinces.

Mehran Fatemi, the governor of Yazd, also pointed out the determination and serious efforts of this province to realize the knowledge-based economy and said: since the beginning of the 13th government, the priorities of the government for the development of the knowledge-based economy have been predicted and designed in the form of the new Yazd document.

He mentioned the capacities of the technology and innovation ecosystem of Yazd province and said: 144 knowledge-based companies and 450 technology companies located in Science and Technology Park, creative companies and houses, more than 120 startups and 99 research and development units, make Yazd one It has become one of the leading provinces in knowledge-based economy, so that after Tehran, Yazd province has been assigned the second place in terms of knowledge-based economy. Also, the average growth of knowledge-based companies in Yazd province is 28%, and in order to facilitate the development process of knowledge-based economy, more than 40 meetings of the headquarters of the development of knowledge-based economy have been held so far.

Pointing out that based on the joint agreement for the development of the knowledge-based economy of Yazd province, 900 billion Tomans will be supported for the knowledge-based ecosystem of this province, Fatemi continued: This amount of support for the development of the knowledge-based economy is unique in the history of science and technology of the country. The goal of the province in technological innovations is that the share of Yazd's knowledge-based economy in the gross domestic product will reach 6% and 40% of the province's economic growth will come from technological innovations and productivity.

Referring to the development of knowledge-based companies in this province, Farzad Mokhles Al-Aemmeh, Markazi governor, said: According to this agreement, the number of companies in the province is expected to reach 215 with an annual growth of 30%.

He added: The propulsion companies selected in this contract include a diverse range of industries across the province; Industrial areas such as machine building, pipe making, sound equipment of power plant and nuclear industries are among the capacities of this province.

The Markazi Governor stated: The number of credits and support foreseen under this agreement is 2550 billion Tomans and we hope that the agreed axes will be completed sooner than expected.

Referring to the creation of capacity for the 30% growth of knowledge-based companies in the province, Zeinul Abedin Razavi Khorram, the governor of East Azerbaijan, said: Currently, there are 288 knowledge-based companies in the province, and the activities of these companies have saved 110 million dollars in foreign exchange.

He considered the connection of knowledge-based and technological companies with the advantageous industries of the province and solving the problems of the province and improving productivity as the most important goals and pillars of support for knowledge-based companies and said: Dr. Dehghani's recent provincial trip to East Azerbaijan was blessed and the meetings numerous and intensive led to the movement of knowledge-based companies becoming smoother than in the past. The advantage of East Azerbaijan province is the role of more than 80% of the private sector, which can lead to the maximum growth of knowledge-based companies.

Mohsen Afsharchi, the governor of Zanjan, emphasized the necessity of requirements and executive guarantees for these agreements and said: the cooperation of other institutions should be attached to this agreement, and if the necessary assurances are not provided, the cooperation of the relevant departments such as the tax affairs department of this agreement will be faced with Serious challenges.

He stated that with the implementation of this agreement, decentralization will be realized, and added: One of the main necessities of this agreement is to create requirements for other institutions, including the tax organization, to accompany this agreement and knowledge-based companies. Tax issues should be resolved by playing a role and coordinating with the Minister of Economy and see the spillover of these agreements in the provinces. We hope that the share of knowledge-based companies in the province will increase in the GDP.

Mohammad Mehdi Fadakar, the governor of Kerman, referring to the promotion of the share of knowledge-based companies in Kerman's economy, said: based on this agreement, two thousand billion Tomans of financial support will be provided, and the creation of a VC fund of one thousand billion Rials will be formed, which will contribute to help the development of Knowledge-based companies of the province.

He added: Currently, large contracts are being concluded between the industry and knowledge-based companies. The companies have a very good capacity, and with the conclusion of this agreement, the path to the development of the knowledge-based economy will be paved. The governorate is also ready to allocate the necessary resources for the development of the knowledge-based economy.

Mohammad Saleh Jokar, head of the Assembly of People's Representatives of Yazd in the Islamic Council, said: Yazd is an industrial province and has mainly worked on hardware and hard industries, so that less attention has been paid to soft areas. This agreement pays good attention to the capacities of the advantageous areas of the province.

Stating that Yazd province has a powerful elite society, Jokar added: With the role of these elites in knowledge-based and technological companies, while helping to solve the problems of the province, a light of hope was created in the hearts of these young people and elites.

Emphasizing the interaction of the parliament and the government, he said: Fortunately, Yazd province is going through a good process in the development of knowledge-based economy, and we hope that the predicted goals will be achieved with the development of the knowledge-based economy of the province.

Seyyed Alborz Hosseini, Chairman of the Assembly of Representatives in Zanjan Province, said: Zanjan Province has advantages in various industrial fields, which fortunately have been taken into account in this agreement. We have a good capacity in the field of agricultural mechanization, and young people active in technological workshops and companies have made achievements that will flourish if they receive the necessary support.

He further added: The trust of the academic fields and the cooperation of the government, governorship and legislative departments will help in the development of this process.

Valiullah Bayati, the head of the Assembly of Representatives in Markazi Province, said: Markazi Province is one of the industrial and academic hubs that has a high capacity to realize this agreement and knowledge-based economy.

Emphasizing that there should be will in the organizations, administrations and the government and a serious determination to realize this issue should be seen in practice, he added: In the field of agriculture, due to the fact that technologies have entered the field of agriculture, we have the problem of wasting resources; We must equip agriculture and farmers with new knowledge and technology and provide them with the necessary training; It seems that the creation of a committee to follow the provisions of the agreement until its implementation based on the schedule is a way forward.

It should be noted that the cooperation agreements for the provincial development of knowledge-based economy were signed in the presence of the vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy, the minister of interior, the head of the innovation and prosperity fund, and a group of governors and members of parliament.

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