Condolence message of the vice president for science and technology affairs on the passing of Hujjat al-Islam Ahmad Ahmadi.
Condolence message of the vice president for science and technology affairs on the passing of Hujjat al-Islam Ahmad Ahmadi.
Holding the Global Week of Space with the Slogan of “space unites the world”
Holding the Global Week of Space with the Slogan of “space unites the world”
Holding the Global Week of Space with the Slogan of “space unites the world”
Will Be Held by the Support of the Advanced Manufacturing and Materials Technologies Development Headquarter;
A festival to support valuable ideas in the area of mine and relevant industries
A festival to support valuable ideas in the area of mine and relevant industries
By the Efforts of the Agriculture Biotechnology working Group;
The fifth round of tissue culture will be held
The fifth round of tissue culture will be held
The second symposium of “application of stem cells and regenerative medicine in digestive, renal and pancreas diseases” will be held.
The second symposium of “application of stem cells and regenerative medicine in digestive, renal and pancreas diseases” will be held.
Realized by the Support of the Iranian National Science Foundation;
Sponsorship in the form of innovation and creativity growth
Sponsorship in the form of innovation and creativity growth
By the Order of the Vice President for Science and Technology Affairs;
Secretary of water, drought, erosion and environment is appointed
Secretary of water, drought, erosion and environment is appointed
With the Support of the Cognitive Sciences and Technologies Development Headquarter;
The first symposium of cognitive rehabilitation will be held
The first symposium of cognitive rehabilitation will be held
Secretary of Knowledge-based Economy and Culture-building Development Headquarter;
The book of international displacement of students and graduates at the level of Iran and the world is published
The book of international displacement of students and graduates at the level of Iran and the world is published
By the Cognitive Technologies and Sciences Development Headquarter;
The call for support of research projects in the area of cognitive sciences is published
The call for support of research projects in the area of cognitive sciences is published