Presence of Effective Industrial Groups at the EISA 2018 Meeting
Presence of Effective Industrial Groups at the EISA 2018 Meeting
Secretary of the Advanced Transportation and Space Technologies Development of the Vice Presidency for Science Affairs:
Turn Our Active Universities to Space-Scientific Centers
Turn Our Active Universities to Space-Scientific Centers
Secretary of the Stem Cells Sciences and Technologies Development Headquarter Stated:
Iran’s Movement toward Developing Stem Cells along with the World
Iran’s Movement toward Developing Stem Cells along with the World
Closing ceremony of the third national festival and international congress on stem cells and regenerative medicine sciences and technologies
Closing ceremony of the third national festival and international congress on stem cells and regenerative medicine sciences and technologies
The Third National Festival and International Congress on Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine is Inaugurated
The Third National Festival and International Congress on Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine is Inaugurated
Chairman of Iran National Space and Advanced Transportation Administration Announced:
Synergy of active companies by establishing the association of manufacturers of pieces in aerial industry in Iran
Synergy of active companies by establishing the association of manufacturers of pieces in aerial industry in Iran
Realized by the Efforts of Strategic Technologies Laboratory Network;
Facilitation of access to laboratory services by researchers and industries of the country.
Facilitation of access to laboratory services by researchers and industries of the country.
Secretary of Biotechnology Development Headquarter:
Observation of the market and the dimensions of the bio-economy in the world is necessary
Observation of the market and the dimensions of the bio-economy in the world is necessary
Daliri on the 11th National Meeting of Regional and Specialized Technomarts of the Country:
Technomart is the main engine for movement of innovators and technologists in the country
Technomart is the main engine for movement of innovators and technologists in the country
Will Occur in the 9th Iran Aerial Exhibition Held in Kish Island;
Unveiling human-carrying space capsule
Unveiling human-carrying space capsule