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  • Aug 10 2020 - 16:36
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In the Presence of the Vice President for Science and Technology Affairs; “Iranian-made” National Wagon Equipment Was Unveiled

The achievements of knowledge-based and technology companies in the field of national train construction and equipment required for the intercity rail transportation system (metro) were unveiled in the presence of Sorena Sattari, the vice president for science and technology affairs, and Pirooz Hajachi, the mayor of Tehran.

According to the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs, knowledge-based companies showcased their latest achievements in a ceremony to unveil the Iranian-made national wagon related to urban rail transportation.

For the first time, localized technology for the construction of wagons and intercity rail transportation equipment (metro) was introduced during an event held in the presence of Sorena Sattari, the vice president for science and technology affairs, Mohsen Hashemi, head of the Islamic council of Tehran, Pirooz Hanachi, the mayor of Tehran, and some of the authorities of the Vice-Presidency and municipality of Tehran.

The vice president for science and technology affairs emphasized the full domestication of all countries’ needs in this area, adding: knowledge-based and technology companies active in this field of localization targeted 85% of the equipment. We hope that by removing the obstacles, the national train and the Iranian intercity transportation project will be able to start operating by February. It should be noted that the leap of knowledge-based and technology companies in the field of rail transportation is significant.

He continued: by recognizing the technological needs of the field, the Vice-Presidency has supported startups and technological cores that are active in railroad sector, especially urban rail transportation. Today, these startups and technology cores have become dynamic companies.

The vice president for science and technology affairs expressed: last May, agreements were made for subway of Tehran and the project was initiated in 2019. At present, knowledge-based and technology companies have almost succeeded in building a complete wagon, and we hope that by the end of the year, a complete in-house train ram will start operating. This is a fundamental change in this area and more achievements will be obtained in the near future.

Construction of 1500 Wagons

In addition, Mohsen Hashemi, the head of the Tehran City Council, appreciated the efforts made by knowledge-based companies in the rail transportation field.

A Historical Opportunity for Equipment Domestication

In addition, Pirooz Hanachi, the mayor of Tehran, considered sanctions a historical opportunity for domestication of equipment required for the field, adding: according to the agreement reached with the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs, most of the required equipment has been localized, and the parts that have not been localized have not been mainly economically justified.

In the end, a memorandum of understanding was signed between the municipality of Tehran and several technology and academic collections.


  • News group : NEWS,Headquarters,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 69303

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