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  • Nov 13 2023 - 13:47
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Dehghani, declaring full support for the development of knowledge-based agricultural network:

"The sanctity of technological progress" in the new knowledge-based evaluation system has given its place to "applicability of ideas".

Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy visited the technological and innovative achievements in the Agricultural Biotechnology Research Institute, the Research Institute for Breeding and Preparation of Seedlings and Seeds, and the Agricultural Engineering and Technical Research Institute.

According to the communication and information center in the Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, Ruhollah Dehghani, the Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, said during this visit: My belief in the field of agriculture and sustainable food supply is a serious belief and organizations like Agricultural Research, Education and Promotion Organization, which have expert manpower, valuable experiences, scientific capacities and very good infrastructures, can make a big change in the country's agriculture sector with proper direction and guidance.

Emphasizing that the infrastructures of large and government organizations should create space and opportunity for the formation of new ideas based on the motivation and will of the private sector, he said: what brings the work to a conclusion and an achievement, the motivations Shariah and humanity, legal requirements and personal benefits.

The head of the National Elites Foundation emphasized that the approach to governance and allocation of support should be a platform, and added: In the platform governance model, governance and intervention give way to supervision, guidance and support. Large organizations and devices should adopt a platform governance approach.

Referring to the leveraging of supporting tools to realize food security and authority based on a platform perspective in governance, the vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy said: the approach of the science base is based on supporting the development and growth of the current network of existing knowledge bases, from strongly support the new collections that grow from large infrastructures such as the organization of research, education and promotion of agriculture and by researchers and professors who have left this institution.

Dehghani continued: In this model, instead of spending directly to support newly created collections, qualification and allocation of support is done based on the opinion of the host organization of these innovative businesses. In this regard, the organization of agricultural research, education and promotion provides the necessary facilities, infrastructure and space for the growth of new companies, and the support provided for this purpose is allocated to qualified groups according to the opinion of this organization.

Referring to the cooperation and interaction of the Vice Presidency of Science and the Agricultural Research, Education and Promotion Organization by defining and implementing a comprehensive cooperation package, he said: The Headquarters for the Development of Knowledge-Based Economy of Food and Agriculture and the TAT group can cooperate in the form of a comprehensive package and based on a specific model will provide the ground for the growth and prosperity of new companies that have emerged from the needs, abilities and innovative ideas of the human capital of this large group.

Referring to the serious support for the development of the knowledge-based network and the support of the final beneficiaries of the food and agriculture sector, the vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy stated: In the new knowledge-based evaluation system, new and more important criteria such as the growth process of a company, the level of employment , manpower and solving a problem from the country have replaced the criterion of the mere technological nature of the product or service to qualify a company as knowledge-based; In fact, the sanctity of a company's technological advancement has given way to other criteria that provide space and space for companies and more practical ideas to enter the knowledge-based ecosystem regardless of being high-tech.

Visiting the technological projects being implemented by the Agricultural Biotechnology Research Institute was one of the plans by the Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy today. Improvement of smart and technological agricultural products through the integration of data and patterns based on machine learning, biogas production from organic waste, development of climate-adapted plants to ensure food security in climate change conditions, design and launch of slow-release urea nanofertilizer pilot, transfer of date technical, the production of parental lines of vegetable hybrid seeds, the health and mass propagation of cultivars and bases of important garden trees of the country, were part of the plans that Dehghani was involved in the process of their implementation.

  • News group : NEWS,Slider,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Headquarters,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Department of STI Policy & Evaluation,Deputy for Management Development & Resources ,International Affairs & Technological Exchange Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 94529

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