The secretary was introduced for the development of materials and advanced manufacturing technologies headquarters
  • May 29 2023 - 09:44
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The secretary was introduced for the development of materials and advanced manufacturing technologies headquarters

The vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy introduced the secretary for the development of materials and advanced manufacturing technologies headquarters.

Ruhollah Dehghani, Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, to monitor and identify the capacities and challenges of technology development inside the country and provide targeted support for the development of research infrastructures and the development of priority technologies in this field; He appointed Sadegh Sadeghzadeh as the secretary for the development of materials and advanced manufacturing technologies headquarters.

It is stated in Dehghani's ruling:

"According to the level of competence, expertise and experience and at the suggestion of the director of the center for the development of strategic technologies, I hereby appoint you as the secretary for the development of materials and advanced manufacturing technologies headquarters".

In this order, Sadeghzadeh has been given the mission to "observe and identify the capacities and challenges of technology development in the country and its place in the future in interaction with various players in this field" and by "utilizing the results of technology foresight studies to determine the work priorities of the headquarters and actively participate in the formulation of the technology development roadmap with the aim of improving all functional aspects of the technology innovation system.

Also, "development of priority emerging and transformative technologies to respond to the future needs of the country by making maximum use of all the internal capacity of the innovation ecosystem and considering the capacity of international technological cooperation" is another mission that the Vice President of Science has considered for the secretary for the development of materials and advanced manufacturing technologies headquarters.

"Targeted support for the development of research infrastructures and the development of priority technologies by identifying and networking laboratory infrastructures, building, supplying equipment and materials, and planning and implementing measures related to eliminating deficiencies" and "supporting the acceleration programs of specialized innovation centers and other entrepreneurial activities" the need for technology development in the country" is defined as one of the priorities of this headquarters.

According to this ruling, "holding events and implementing effective promotional activities with the aim of networking among the various actors in this field and creating legitimacy in policy-making institutions to adopt appropriate policies for the development of technology in the country" and "enhancing the necessary human capacities and making proper use of the scientific elites and technology leaders for the development of priority technologies" is among the other missions of this headquarters.

The development of advanced materials and manufacturing technologies headquarters is obliged to "market products and priority technological achievements according to the needs in different stages of technology development" and "maximum participation in the implementation of national and multi-field programs in cooperation with other technology development headquarters".

Sadegh Sadeghzadeh, Ph.D., Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology - Applied Design, currently works as a member of the academic staff of Iran University of Science and Technology. Among his activities and executive records, we can mention the "Chairmanship of Kish Environmental Research Institute" and "Membership in the Intelligence Committee of the Planning and Budget Council of Tehran Municipality". He has played an effective role in meeting the needs of the country's industries, specifically in 4 projects at the national level, and about 100 ISI articles and 40 international conference articles and authoring and compilation of 11 educational books in the field of mechanical engineering have been registered under his name.

His experiences in the industrial and operational field include "launching the silica gel catalyst production line for the first time in the country", "making a device for measuring the depth of the water bed (Ecosander)", "making a 3-sensor device for online measurement of water characteristics at different depths", "making 7-sensor device for online measurement of water characteristics at different depths", "Making a marine leveling device", "Making an industrial sample of a device for generating electricity from sea waves", "Making an industrial sample of a propelling device to assist a professional diver", "Making a thickness measuring device industrial for scanning the roll lines of fiberglass factory", "Building a system for estimating the dynamic pressure of marine vessels", "Building an industrial prototype of a device for producing water from air humidity", "Building an industrial prototype of a thermal cycler device for polymer and multiphase samples", "Building an industrial prototype Skimmer collects oil stains from water" and "Nanoscale approval for graphene Nano oxide product and nanoscale approval for silica gel product".

He was also named the best young scientist of the Islamic world in the field of environment (the winner of the Kenz scientific competition at the Mustafa Foundation) in 2017 and among the top 2% scientists in the world in 2021 and 2022.

Obtaining the first place in the research projects of the Ministry of Energy in 2022, the industrial production of graphene nanomaterial for the first time in the country, the unveiling of the national oil slick collection skimmer product by the Minister of Roads and the unveiling of the national product of the water production device from air humidity by the head of the Space Organization are other honors recorded in Sadeghzadeh career.

Among the cultural and social activities of Sadeghzadeh, we can also mention the advisor of Shahed students in the Iran University of Science and Technology, the cultural assistant of the Faculty of Modern Technologies of the Iran University of Science and Technology, the head of the secretariat of the executive committee for recruiting academic staff members of the Iran University of Science and Technology, the course instructor for the third project of Shahid Ahmadi Roshan in the National Elites Foundation and a member of the think tank of the Ports and Maritime Organization.

Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy


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