The secretary of lasers technologies, photonics, and advanced materials and manufacturing is appointed.
  • Nov 5 2018 - 14:22
  • 228
  • Study time : 1 minute(s)
By the Order of the Vice President for Science and Technology Affairs;

The secretary of lasers technologies, photonics, and advanced materials and manufacturing is appointed.

The secretary of lasers technologies, photonics, and advanced materials and manufacturing is appointed.


By the order of the vice president for science and technology affairs, Hamid Latifi was appointed as the secretary of lasers technologies, photonics, and advanced materials and manufacturing.

According to the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs, Hamid Lotfi was appointed as the secretary of lasers technologies, photonics, and advanced materials and manufacturing and the efforts of Mohammad Sadegh Zabihi, the former secretary of lasers technologies, photonics, and Mahmoud Mehrdad Shokrieh, the former secretary of advanced materials and manufacturing were appreciated.

In this order, we read:

It is expected that with the help of God and within the framework of the determined responsibilities we would witness the formulation of strategies, priorities, solutions and synergistic activities related to laser, photonics, microstructures, as well as advanced materials and supervision of affairs in the country by combining the headquarters of lasers technologies, photonics, and advanced materials and manufacturing.

Application of the effective capacities of the headquarters that are now integrated within the framework of this regulation leads to the use of efficient workforce and continuing the current measures by adopting an appropriate and aggressive approach to balancing and coordinating directly with the strategic technology development center.

Hereby, we appreciate the valuable efforts of Dr. Mohammad Sadegh Zabihi, the former secretary of the lasers, photonics and micron structures development headquarter, and Dr. Mahmoud Mehrdad Shokrieh, the secretary of advanced materials and manufacturing technologies development headquarter and ask God for their everyday success in life.


  • News group : NEWS
  • News code : 39405


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