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  • Jul 11 2019 - 14:49
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Chairman of the Board of Directors of Iran National Innovation Fund on the Business-Technology Meeting of Iranian and Russian Companies:

The Iranian knowledge-based companies and startups are entering the chain of global value.

The Iranian knowledge-based companies and startups are entering the chain of global value.

Chairman of the board of directors of Iran National Innovation Fund expressed that Iran has entered the field with a wide range of financing tools to commercialize technology and announced the entrance of knowledge-based companies and startups of Iran into the chain of global value. In this regard, he stated: we are prepared to establish a joint fund between Iran and Russia to finance technological cooperation.

According to the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs, along with the travel of the high-ranking delegation of Iran to Russia, Ali Vahdat, the chairman of the board of directors of Iran National Innovation Fund, presented a speech on the business-technology meeting of Iranian and Russian countries in Yekaterinburg, Russia. This meeting was attended by Sorena Sattari, the vice president for science and technology affairs, and his Russian counterparts.

First, the chairman of the board of directors of Iran National Innovation Fund expressed his hope about the benefit of this meeting in terms of more expansion of technological cooperation between Iranian and Russian companies, marking: the technology and innovation ecosystem of Iran has experienced important changes in the past few years and has had valuable accomplishments. In addition, knowledge-based companies and startups of Iran have significantly improved their ability in the development of advanced technologies, such as biotechnology, information and communication, and nano, and are currently entering the chain value of global companies.

Vahdat continued: the business relations of Iran and Russia have an ancient background and startups and knowledge-based companies of Iran are prepared to deepen the technological cooperation along with business relations.

According to the Chairman of the board of directors of Iran National Innovation Fund, one of the necessities for technological cooperation, especially at the international level, is efficient and smart financing. In this respect, he claimed: the main burden of financing of knowledge-based companies and startups in the field of technology in the technology and innovation ecosystem of Iran is on the shoulder of the Iran National Innovation Fund. Therefore, accompanied by four research funds, we are prepared to finance the Iranian knowledge-based companies and startups. We ensure the Russian companies that the Iranian party will be supported by us and the research and technology fund.

He emphasized the presence of different financing tools to cover the technological cooperation, adding: we have come to the field with a variety of financing tools, from facilities to investment and commercialization services. As such, we are ready to establish joint funds between the two countries to finance joint technological projects. Furthermore, we are prepared to create joint credit line to facilitate and support joint technological cooperation, if desired by the Russian counterparts.

The high-ranking science and technology delegation of Iran traveled to Russia for four days with the presidency of Sorena Sattari and accompanied by 70 Iranian knowledge-based companies. This trip occurred with the support of the international interaction center and Iranian national innovation fund along with Inoprom exhibition of Russia. During this trip, the representatives of knowledge-based companies of the two countries met with the counterparts in Moscow and Yekaterinburg. In addition, representatives from the ministry of foreign affairs and the Iranian national innovation fund accompanied Sattari in this trip.

  • News group : NEWS,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Headquarters,Communication & Information Center,International Affairs & Technological Exchange Center
  • News code : 45271


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