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Dehghani in the ceremony of signing the agreement with the Ministry of Industry, Mining and Trade: the process of identifying and valuing knowledge-based companies is changing

In the meeting of the signing of the agreement with the Ministry of Industry, Mining and Trade, the vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy said about the transformation in the process of identifying and evaluating knowledge-based companies.

Ruhollah Dehghani, Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, referring to the strategic plans and priorities of this Vice Presidency for the development of science until the realization of a knowledge-based economy, said: The Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, in 5 areas, helps to think, develop science and the development of technology, the development of the knowledge-based economy, and finally the development of entrepreneurship have been put on its agenda. The type and nature of the activity of the Vice Presidency of Science is of a staff type and the private sector is one of the main foundations of support.

Stating that we are at a stage where the ground must be provided to connect knowledge to the market and knowledge-based economy, he said: We have reached a critical and strategic point that we must be determined and take a serious step to overcome.

Dehghani, referring to the new strategies and policies of the vice presidency of science, technology and knowledge-based economy to complete the value chain of industries, create added and employment from technology, said: In the new era, by adopting a series of new policies, we are trying to create the ground for transformation to provide science to knowledge-based economy. For the production of science, support and development of the Iran Science Foundation as a group that is considered the tip of the arrow of science production and can set a pattern, is on the agenda. In technology development, growth centers, accelerators and science and technology parks were mainly on the supply side and their main focus was on entrepreneurship, but now they are receiving serious attention as platforms for the development of technology and economy.


Creating specialized and thematic headquarters for the development of knowledge-based economy

Referring to the formation of specialized knowledge-based economy headquarters in various thematic and priority areas with the aim of developing the knowledge-based economy in those areas, the vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy stated: In the new structure, two categories of headquarters for operations in the development of knowledge-based economy will be carried out, and the first group in this structure are headquarters with the purpose and mission of developing strategic technologies, and these headquarters will follow the development of technologies such as cognitive, artificial intelligence, robotics, and similar technologies.

Referring to the formation of technology development headquarters, he stated: A series of technologies have also been defined for the development of the knowledge-based economy of the sector. For example, the headquarters for the development of the knowledge-based economy of agriculture, mining and other priority areas, based on modern technology and in accordance with the country's needs, are among the headquarters that are formed.

The vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy added: In the technology development headquarters, the main cooperation is with the Ministry of Science, and the cooperation in the knowledge-based economy development headquarters is based on industry and in cooperation with the Ministry of Industry, Mines and Trade and other ministries.

Dehghani stated that removing the priority and strategic obstacles of the country is the focus of the activities of these headquarters, and stated: In the upcoming program of the Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-based Economy, we are trying to play a role and interact with the Ministry of Defense for the development of knowledge-based economy and Crossing obstacles, become bold and operational.

Dehghani also said about the formation of large consortia with the help of industry, financial institutions and ministries in macro and strategic areas and continued: these consortia will have a good output, including a contract production center, national laboratory and large production centers. It will teach companies to take big steps and define big projects.

Innovative criteria in evaluating knowledge-based companies

The vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy, pointing out that the evaluation concepts and criteria will change in the next year, said: in the new evaluation process, knowledge-based evaluation will not be based on type one, type two, and type three, and basically, the evaluation will be based on output and the amount of added value created. Based on this, new, technological and innovative knowledge-based companies will be divided. New knowledge-based companies are formed in interaction with universities, and the evaluation of this type of companies is assigned to collections in the Ministry of Science and Science and Technology Parks. Startup companies are experienced and capable companies that produce technology and will create added value from technology while creating employment.

Referring to the role of innovative knowledge-based companies in bringing technology to the industry, he said: Innovation is the high point of companies and innovative companies are the point of connection between knowledge, technology and industry. The interaction of the industry with knowledge-based technology companies that produce employment, products and technology are known as innovative knowledge-based companies. The criterion for evaluating technological knowledge bases will be cooperation with universities, and the criterion for evaluating innovative knowledge bases will be industry demand.

The vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economics continued: In the form of this value chain, universities play the role of producing science and knowledge, and knowledge bases will be the customers of this knowledge and the producers of technology. The customer industry of this technology is produced by knowledge-based companies. The criteria for evaluating a knowledge-based company will be output and playing a role in solving strategic issues, and we hope that in the form of this cooperation agreement, the connection between the technology of knowledge-based companies and the market will be realized.

Development of strategic products in the form of knowledge-based consortia

In this ceremony, a cooperation agreement worth 40 thousand billion Rials was signed by the Vice President for Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy and the Minister of Industry, Mining and Trade, focusing on the commercialization and development of bottleneck and strategic technologies.

This support of 40 thousand billion will be allocated in various forms and formats, including tax credits, guarantees and facilities, etc. for the production of priority and bottleneck products.

Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy


  • News group : NEWS,Slider,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Headquarters,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Department of STI Policy & Evaluation,Deputy for Management Development & Resources ,International Affairs & Technological Exchange Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 90402

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