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Dehghani in a meeting with Quranic activists; Supporting the formation of knowledge-based consortia in the field of Quran and lifestyle

The Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy announced the infrastructure and content support for the formation of knowledge-based consortia in this field in the presence of companies active in the Quranic, media and lifestyle fields.

In this meeting, Ruhollah Dehghani, Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, stated that the Quran is a light that people who are familiar with it will definitely and inevitably benefit from this rich light, saying: This light should flow in the life of the society in an innovative way during the time of the Prophet, God Almighty spoke with a technological language and manner; Technology brings superiority and this high advantage that God speaks to mankind with the language of technology shows the importance and high place of innovation and technology in life.

Dehghani continued: One of the characteristics of technology is its novelty and modernity, and although the essence of a subject is fixed, we must use technology to update its appearance and emergence according to the needs of society and people. Expressing and implementing Quranic and religious concepts based on human understanding in every era requires the use of modern technologies.

The head of the National Elites Foundation stated that the Qur'an is like a rich spring that we can gain new insights from it every day by improving our understanding and perspective, and said: These teachings are life and according to the needs of life, this is our understanding. It changes from this abundant spring.

Emphasizing that supporting Quranic technology and lifestyle companies is in line with the missions of the vice presidency for science, technology and knowledge-based economy, he continued: Quranic technologies and innovations from several dimensions are the focus and subject of the missions in the vice presidency of science and technology are compatible and the attitude of the activists in this field is not just supportive but a task in line with the missions of this vice presidency. Gathering and connecting a network of audiences and activists in the field of Quranic innovations and technologies will create a transformation.

Giving an example of the depth of religious teachings and the necessity of using technology and innovation in the application of these teachings, he added: the Hadith of Kasa is actually an innovation and an intelligent and efficient social network that promotes gathering and being together in our religious and national culture also emphasizes it and reminds us. Such values are abundant in religious and Quranic teachings, but their explanation and promotion in today's society requires the benefit of technology and innovation.

The formation of knowledge-based consortia in the field of Quran and lifestyle

Pointing to the importance of streamlining with the help of creating powerful and integrated large groups, he said: The transformation in the field of Quranic innovations requires the formation of a consortium of innovative Quranic companies with the role of activists in this field. The influential people of the companies make decisions and strategies under the shadow of this consortium and take steps for the future of this path. In fact, we need an intermediary institution, specialized and intelligent, to guide other small companies and newcomers in this field. The Vice Presidency of Science does not impose any restrictions on supporting such a consortium.

He added: The achievements and products of such a consortium can reach the global markets, and since it includes a large set of capabilities, it can take great steps in improving the lifestyle and penetration of Quranic teachings into the text of people's lives. Support for such a collection will include a wide range of financial support, participation in exhibitions and market creation.

Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, referring to the formation of lifestyle and Quranic super-companies as the pioneers in the field of knowledge-based consortia, stated: this atmosphere of gathering and interaction can be a way forward and the wrong culture of single-mindedness and separate movements should be transformed in the field of Quran and lifestyle. If we promote a healthy lifestyle with a good and innovative content, the society will definitely welcome it. We are ready to support big projects and, in the form of a big innovation center, provide the basis for the development of companies and the establishment of businesses based on the Quran and Iranian Islamic lifestyle.

 Creating an interaction portal between the Vice Presidency of Science and technological capabilities in the religious and Quranic fields

Masoud Hasanlu, head of the cultural and soft technologies development headquarters in the vice presidency of science, technology and knowledge-based economy, also pointed to the support of soft and cultural innovations and said: a number of leading and capable groups in the field of cultural, Quranic and media innovations gathered in this meeting. They have come to examine the capacities of market creation, creation of added value and employment in this life-making field with a very high capacity.

He stated that the purpose of holding the meeting of innovative knowledge collections in the Quranic and media fields is to create a communication portal between the Vice Presidency of Science and the ecosystem of this field of activities and added: One of the most important approaches of this meeting is to connect the activities of these collections and their capacities to the vice presidency of science and we are trying to link the capacity and capability of these companies to the needs of this field in the form of the priorities in the vice presidency of science.

Hassanlou considered one of the achievements of these companies to be the propagation of Islamic and Iranian religion and lifestyle using technological and innovative methods and added: In this regard, supporting the infrastructure of innovative companies is one of the priorities of the Vice Presidency of Science and supporting soft and cultural technologies is also followed seriously in this direction.

Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy

  • News group : NEWS,Slider,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Headquarters,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Department of STI Policy & Evaluation,Deputy for Management Development & Resources ,International Affairs & Technological Exchange Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 90782

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