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The role of the Association of Knowledge-Based Companies in popularizing the economy

A joint meeting of the Vice President for Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy and a group of members of the National Association of Knowledge-Based Companies was held.

According to the Communication and Information Center in the Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy; Ruhollah Dehghani, Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, in a meeting that was held with the presence of a group of members of the National Association of Knowledge-Based Companies, pointed out the role of this association in bringing knowledge-based economy to the context of the society and popularizing it and said: the approach of the Vice-Presidency of Science, Technology and knowledge-based economy is to use the Association of Knowledge-Based Enterprises as an executive arm of governance to popularize the knowledge-based economy, create added value and help small businesses. The association of knowledge-based companies can become a club with the presence of level-headed companies and mega-companies that implement the governance policy in the development of knowledge-based economy. We are looking to assign governance systems and roles to this association.

Dehghani, referring to the conclusion of an agreement between the Vice-Presidency of Science and the National Association of Knowledge-Based Companies with the aim of assessing the needs and following up on the priority and strategic needs of knowledge-based companies in the form of this agreement, stated: In the agreement between the Vice-Presidency of Science and the National Association of Knowledge-Based Companies, the support of the Vice Presidency of Science can be part of as a governing part, in the form of codified and specific channels and mechanisms to this association in order to contribute to the governance of the knowledge-based economy, lay the groundwork for guiding and strengthening knowledge-based companies, forming powerful consortia and promoting new knowledge-based companies.

The head of the National Elites Foundation, stating that some of the mid-term and priority problems and challenges of knowledge-based companies can be counted and tracked with the cooperation of the Vice-Presidency of Science and the Association of Knowledge-Based Companies, continued: In many of the concerns and challenges of the ecosystem of the country's knowledge-based companies, it is possible to find and recognizing these needs, priority issues are defined in the form of a system and a number of solutions are developed and approved. The implementation of these solutions will be followed up and implemented in the form of a joint committee. It is necessary in the first step to create a common understanding in the field of knowledge-based economy among prominent activists in this field, and then the joint working group of the Vice-Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy and the National Association of Knowledge-Based Companies should seriously follow the cooperation and demand from other institutions at the executive level.

The vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy emphasized: specific issues and solutions that have specific workflows have been seen at the beginning and end of the path, and the examination of obstacles will be followed in the form of the meeting agenda and under an agreement with the National Association of Knowledge-Based Companies.

Referring to the definition of a financing package, he said: in the form of medium-term and implementation solutions with the help of this joint working group, a support package with a certain number can be defined and approved, with the role of the association, innovation and prosperity fund and other departments and supervision. According to the Vice President of Science, targeted financing should be done in line with the development of the knowledge-based economy. Creating a knowledge-based economy bank with the nature of risky investment and appropriate to the needs of knowledge-based companies is one of the other solutions that can help meet the facility needs of knowledge-based companies in the future.

Emphasizing that the support for knowledge-based economy ecosystem activists should be balanced and appropriate to the size, nature of activities and needs of each one, in an intelligent and purposeful manner, he said: supporting large companies while helping to grow and empower companies Small is one of the important issues that can be realized with the help of this forum.

He added: Synergy and support of the vice presidency of science, technology and knowledge-based economy will take place with the approach that a number of knowledge-based companies will become drivers and locomotives of the knowledge-based economy. These companies should operate in such a way that their performance is on the path of creating added value, creating employment and exports, and help to grow and promote actors and support impressive and effective small companies.

In this meeting, a group of members of the National Association of Knowledge-Based Companies, while expressing the views, concerns and problems of large knowledge-based companies, presented solutions to solve these issues. The challenges of allocating foreign currency and Rial credits, importing similar knowledge-based samples, supporting the financing and investment of knowledge-based projects were among the issues raised in this meeting.

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