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Today : Thursday Oct 17 2024
  • Mar 1 2017 - 19:27
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With Expanding the Collaborations between the Polymer and Chemical Engineers Association and Oil and Gas Technology Development Headquarters of the Vice-Presidency for Science and Technology Affairs;

Constructive flow thinking in the field of oil industry will be established.

Constructive flow thinking in the field of oil industry will be established.

According to the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs, Jafar Tofighi, secretary of development headquarters of science and innovation in oil, gas and petrochemical industry, emphasized the importance of cooperation between this headquarter and polymer and chemical engineers association and requested an increase in these collaborations, stating: networking is important in the development of technology, and creation of this association will have a significant role in empowerment, strengthening and improvement of the status of the private sector. By establishing this association, we will witness the growing increase of participation of the private sector in decision making and creating flow thinking in the industry of oil.

In another part of this meeting, Ramin Khosrow Khavar, chairman of Iran polymer and chemical engineers association, introduced the specialized commissions of this association and emphasized the importance of convergence of the organizations, which are the members of this federation. According to Khosrow Khavar, these commissions consist of the commissions of commercialization culture, regulation, social responsibilities, business environment development and decision-making.

According to Shokr khodaei, president of the commission of commercialization culture, the most important problem of commercialization in the country is the budget-oriented perspective in this regard. In addition, he stated that property-oriented economy is the opposite of knowledge-based economy and financial resources can accelerate the development of these ideas.

Baghdadi, secretary of the commission of commercialization culture affirmed that another challenge in this area is the company-oriented perspective and not an idea-oriented one. He expressed that the most important cause of exclusion of knowledge-based companies from the business path is lack of having a modern and clear business plan.


According to Baghdadi, some of the most effective supports in order to improve knowledge-based companies include the increase of research and development capabilities in these companies, helping to create an association between these companies and knowledge flows to facilitate technology transfer, supporting the use of knowledge obtained to increase functionality, reducing the cost and increasing the capacity of production, helping in the valuation of innovations and management of intellectual properties, improving the ability to gain commercial interests from innovations by granting sale license and connecting the companies to larger organizations and supporting the establishment of mechanisms of marketing and sales of knowledge-based companies.

  • News group : NEWS
  • News code : 22412


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