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Dehghani emphasized in the meeting for the social forum of the Human Rights Council

The deep impact of knowledge-based companies and open scientific collaborations in protecting human rights and developing of countries

Emphasizing the role of science, technology and knowledge-based companies in the realization of human rights, the vice president of science condemned the unilateral coercive measures against Iran's knowledge-based companies and scientific development and announced Iran's readiness for all-round scientific and technological cooperation to achieve a better world.

According to the Communication and Information Center in the Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, Ruhollah Dehghani, who was speaking at the 15th meeting of the Social Assembly of the United Nations Human Rights Council at the place of the Human Rights Council in Geneva, first addressed the issue of equality, justice and human dignity. Referring to the recent crimes committed by the Zionist regime in Gaza, he said: While we are gathered here, the innocent people of Palestine are under the pressure of oppression. The plight of these people deeply saddens me, not only as a Muslim, but also as a believer in the inherent value of human life.

He pointed out: In pursuit of a just and harmonious world, I sincerely invite each of you to unite and work to create a society where people from different backgrounds can coexist peacefully. Let's work collectively to ensure that the blessings God has bestowed upon us are provided equally to all.

Dehghani stated: By cultivating understanding, empathy and compassionate action, we can build the foundations of a future that respects the dignity and rights of every person, regardless of nationality, ethnicity or religion. It is our duty as global citizens to stand up against cruelty, injustice and violation of basic human rights wherever it happens in the world. Together, we can build a world where the principles of equality, justice and human dignity prevail. This requires our unwavering commitment to uphold these values in every decision and action we take. May our collective efforts bring us closer to a future in which there is peace and common prosperity for all.

The Vice President of Science further pointed out the importance of the role by knowledge and innovation and their tremendous impact on the development of nations and said: "Iranian civilization has valued knowledge throughout history, and this issue is reflected in our ancient teachings and the contributions to the advancement of science and technology." Our country's heritage in science and technology is extensive throughout the centuries, from the inspiring wonders of architecture and urban water supply networks of ancient times to the innovative aqueduct systems in the desert regions of Iran. Iran was the home of prominent scientists such as Abu Reyhan Birooni, Khwarizmi, Ibn Sina, Razi and Omar Khayyam, who left lasting and indelible works in the world of science and innovation. Especially in the fields of mathematics, medicine and astronomy. Their legacy lives on, as we continue the tradition of scientific advancement in Iran.

He pointed out that since the establishment of the United Nations, Iran has remained steadfast in the multilateral cooperation system and later emphasized its commitment to global cooperation through the United Nations. We are keen to engage with the international community and share our research while benefiting from best practices, developments and achievements of other countries in the fields of science, technology and innovation.

Pointing out that Iran has continued to build its rich scientific heritage in recent years, Dehghani said: We have nurtured a vibrant innovation ecosystem that leads to the growth of knowledge-based companies. The ecosystem of innovation and knowledge-based companies in Iran is a testimony to the sustainable potential of our youth and the pivotal role of women in managerial and specialized levels.

He stated: Knowledge-based companies create a nurturing environment for technological progress and act as hubs for advanced research and development. These companies play a vital role in developing new technologies and solutions to face today's challenges.

The Vice President of Science further pointed to the key role played by knowledge-based companies during the corona virus epidemic in the field of developing technologies and sciences in various areas of need such as vaccines, medical treatments, pharmaceuticals, education and help in the global fight against the virus. New technologies have been developed to help us track and manage virus outbreaks. Despite facing unilateral economic sanctions and challenges in accessing corona vaccines and related medical equipment, Iran has achieved an impressive 76% vaccination rate among its population against Covid-19.

Referring to Iran's active participation in international cooperation and the sharing of knowledge and initiatives carried out to strengthen the global response to this epidemic, especially in the global south (developing and less developed countries), Dehghani stated: Iran is generous to countries were struggling with the virus, provided help and medical equipment; These actions demonstrate our unwavering commitment to promoting human rights and improving the well-being of communities around the world.

According to him, knowledge-based companies in Iran, in addition to their activities in the field of medicine, are also active in a wide range of other sectors, including agriculture, energy and environmental protection, and help to build a more sustainable future for our country and the world.

Referring to the special position of knowledge-based companies in Iran's development plans and programs, the vice-president of science emphasized: the activities of knowledge-based companies have a profound effect on the preservation of basic human rights such as the right to life, health, work and development, and at the same time with inequalities, poverty and the unemployment that exists in the society.

  • News group : NEWS,Slider,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Headquarters,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Department of STI Policy & Evaluation,Deputy for Management Development & Resources ,International Affairs & Technological Exchange Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 94428

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