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Dehghani emphasized during a visit to the Pardis innovation area

Serious pursuit of facilitating obtaining approvals for health knowledge-based equipment and essentials

On the Doctor's Day, the vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy visited knowledge-based technology companies in the field of medicine and medical equipment located in Pardis Technology Park.

According to the Communication and Information Center in the Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, Ruhollah Dehghani, the Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy during this visit, while learning about the latest achievements and capabilities of the companies, listening to the concerns and problems of the activists of this companies and issued the necessary orders to solve problems and remove obstacles to their activities.

  On the sidelines of this visit, Dehghani, referring to the ability of the country's knowledge-based companies to meet the most advanced technological needs of the country, said: the country's knowledge-based companies in the field of medicine and medical equipment are at the level of the top global companies, and today a significant part of the technological needs of the health sector are provided by these companies while they have serious things to say in the international markets.

The head of the National Elites Foundation considered the efforts and determination of the young and educated professionals of these companies motivating and added: The ability of the young professionals of the knowledge-based companies is motivating and I get energy and motivation from seeing their efforts and determination.

The vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy, pointing to the serious determination of this vice-presidency to smooth the path ahead and remove obstacles to the growth of knowledge-based companies, added: There are obstacles in the path of the growth of knowledge-based companies, and during today's visits, some of these problems were expressed. In the Vice Presidency of Science, we are trying to take steps to solve these problems with the plans that have been made.

Referring to the role of the Vice Presidency of Science as the executive arm of the presidency in the field of science, technology and knowledge-based economy of the country, Dehghani said: The Vice Presidency of Science actually facilitates the connection of knowledge-based and technological collections with government agencies and ministries. In this way, we are trying to remove the obstacles facing knowledge-based companies in obtaining the necessary approvals from government agencies by coordinating and holding meetings with the presence of the parties.

He added: In the field of medical equipment, due to various reasons, including exclusive markets that exist in some parts, there are more complexities, which have been requested in various working groups from the Ministry of Health, Treatment and Medical Education to obtain approval and company license mechanisms. To facilitate knowledge and technology. Of course, good things are happening in the field of facilitating processes.

Dehghani considered the interest of some people in importing and the benefits derived from it as one of the factors of creating obstacles and creating space against knowledge-based companies and added: To solve this problem and the conflict of interests, serious programs are being pursued in the Vice Presidency of Science.

Referring to the coordination and facilitation to speed up the collection of claims of knowledge-based companies from government agencies, he said: In this context, the short-term solution is the support and validity of creditor guarantees. In this way, a company that has a request for a device will be treated with a facility guarantee due to this request. The long-term solution to this issue is the collective follow-up of claims.

Dehghani stated: In the collective follow-up of the demands of knowledge-based companies, a group that is facing a group of demands of knowledge-based companies will be requested by the Vice Presidency of Science to speed up the payment of these demands with this cooperation.

It should be mentioned that the Vice Presidency of Science, technology and knowledge-based economy visited Shayan Technologies companies Amitis, Zist Thakhmir, Farateyf Pooya, Aryateb Firouz and Tavan Pajoohan and had a conversation with the experts of these companies.

  Visiting the development lands of the Pardis innovation area in phase 3 was also one of the other parts of this visit.



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