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Today : Thursday Oct 17 2024
  • Oct 29 2023 - 13:18
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Scientific and technological rise and development goes through the path of popular currents

Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, emphasized the special role of non-governmental organizations, including scientific associations, in creating transformation and creating a new scientific upsurge in the second step of the Islamic Revolution.

According to the Communication and Information Center in the Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, Ruhollah Dehghani continued at the ceremony commemorating the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Council of Scientific Associations of Iran, stating that the scientific upsurge passes through the path of popular movements. They mentioned the issue of the software movement and said that we proposed the concept of the software movement twenty years ago, after which good things happened in the field of science production in the country. The prosperity of universities, the publication of magazines, the formation of knowledge-based companies, the prosperity of scientific associations and the events that resulted in the promotion of Iran's position in the production of science in the second decade, the cultivation of high-quality graduate students, prominent university professors, and the increase in the number of top scientists of a high percentage of citations and such developments, and we saw was the result of the software movement.

He continued: Now, like any other flow in this field, we are on the verge of reaching the saturation stage; That is, the growth chart shows reaching the saturation stage. Even with regional competitors catching up, creating attractive opportunities for scientists and companies, and using and investing in scientists and human capital, this gradient of saturation is accelerating.

The head of the National Elites Foundation emphasized that planning and investment should be done for the future of the scientific movement of the country, and added: I believe that if our knowledge-based companies and scientists have achieved something today, this capability is the result of twenty years of investment that has been made in these areas in the past. The result of paying attention to this seedling and taking care of it has made us benefit from its fruits today. If we do not take care of this garden, so that new ideas and thoughts are not put into this garden, this garden will not have a prosperous future and we may suffer from drought.

The Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-based Economy stated: In the continuation of his speech at the meeting with the elites, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution spoke of a solution and used an interpretation that we urgently need today; He spoke about the scientific revolution and pointed out that for this revolution we need new programs, new actions and new investments. To realize this leap, we need an initial input or energy; This leap requires a plan and capital; Now the question is, what method should be used to provide this initial capital and energy? Is it possible to act in the style and method of 20 years ago and create such a rise with government investments, infrastructure creation and the establishment of laboratories and support of this kind? Is it possible to create this rise with limited government resources in today's competitive environment?

Emphasizing that such an uprising will definitely not happen with the current conditions of the country and the resources we have, Dehghani added: The next question is, which resources should we go to create this uprising? Definitely, the main answer to the question is that we should go to people's capital. The structure and flow of rise based on government resources is not possible, while it will repeat the experience of incomplete government management. When we look to the past on how to shrink the government and on the other hand, look forward to how to build the future government, the answer to this question lies in the use of people's capacities.

He stated that scientific associations can provide valuable solutions in the matter of rising, and added: These associations can provide a capacity to realize this leap forward trend by using people's capital, infrastructural capacities and existing human resources. do. How to draw a flow of the second step and rise that people can rotate, manage and exploit is an important question that we must answer with the help of scientific associations.

Pointing out that any movement in the direction of the advancement of the country, including this scientific and technological upsurge, must go through the path of the people, the Vice President of Science continued: In this path, the scientific associations and societies, as institutions arising from educated and knowledgeable people, as an inter-structural institution, they can well establish the role of an intermediary institution between the governing institution and the people. Scientific associations once only had a promotional role, a role that is still important, but today, according to the experiences we have gained and the experienced people who are active in the associations, we can create a rise and transformation.

  • News group : NEWS,Slider,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Headquarters,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Department of STI Policy & Evaluation,Deputy for Management Development & Resources ,International Affairs & Technological Exchange Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 94321

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