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  • Oct 29 2023 - 13:05
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Dehghani emphasized in a meeting with the Minister of Energy

"Innovative financing solutions" and "market allocation to knowledge-based companies", the prerequisites of the new technological rise

A joint meeting of the Minister of Energy and the Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy was held with the aim of explaining the solutions, measures and upcoming plans and developments in this field.

According to the Communication and Information Center in the Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, Ruhollah Dehghani, the Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, during a speech in this meeting, attended by Mehrabian, Minister of Energy, Mashayekh, Deputy for Development of Knowledge-Based Economy, Noorbakhsh, the Secretary of the Water, Climate and Environment Knowledge-Based Economy Development Headquarter, Zamanian, the Secretary of the Energy Knowledge-Based Economy Development Headquarter and a group of deputies and managers in the Ministry of Energy was held at the place of the Vice Presidency of Science, referring to the constructive and effective interaction between the Vice Presidency of Science and related structures in the Energy Ministry In line with the advancement of technological and innovative projects, and added: Fortunately, the communication between the technology development headquarters and the knowledge-based economy development headquarters in the Vice Presidency of Science with the Ministry of Energy has been constructive and has led to the definition and implementation of needs-oriented projects in the field of energy, water and sewage.

By expressing views and defining solutions in macro dimensions, it is supposed to provide the ground for more linking of the technology ecosystem, innovation and knowledge-based economy to the field of energy and creating a technological and innovative rise in this field.

He stated that the purpose of holding this meeting was to think together and lay the groundwork for a technological upsurge in the field of energy and added: the order of the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution regarding a scientific and technological upsurge with the help of a new generation, which was a serious demand in the recent meeting of the elites with him. It was brought up by defining mega-projects, creating innovative financing mechanisms and allocating the market to knowledge-based companies. In this meeting, the Supreme Leader referred to the movement that started two decades ago as the software movement, and considered the country's scientific excellence, the position of the country's expert manpower and outstanding scientists as the result of this software movement, and emphasized that today we are witnessing a technological upsurge. And we need innovative. It seems that this rise will be realized with the help of knowledge-based companies and innovative solutions with the cooperation and support of all sectors, so that we will witness transformation in all fields.

The head of the National Elites Foundation considered the development of the market, the definition of new financial solutions and the definition of large and need-oriented projects as the priorities of the Vice Presidency of Science and added: due to the serious determination of the Vice Presidency of Science in defining various financing mechanisms and the cooperation of financing institutions, including banks. On the one hand, the maturity of capable knowledge-based companies that have something to say in different fields, on the other hand, now is the opportunity to provide the biggest and most strategic needs of the country in different fields with the help of operating institutions, appropriate financing and potential market allocation to these companies. Pishran Knowledge-Based Companies Club with more than 76 members is a powerful organization of knowledge-based technology companies that have reached revenues exceeding one thousand billion Tomans and are completely dependent on the private sector. These companies have reached a good reputation that their use can lead to a revolution in all fields, especially in the field of energy.

Dehghani continued: With the help of this created crime, in a series of issues that are a serious concern and need of the electricity industry and water industry, in the large dimensions of one to five million dollars, with the standard conditions agreed by the parties, mega projects can be defined, the financing of which is get and have a purchase guarantee. For example, in the field of mining, agreeing to supply a 120-ton dump truck is a successful model of the participation and cooperation of the consumer sector with the support of the Vice Presidency of Science, relying on protective powers, new financing mechanisms and legal powers, including tax credit, which can be used as a model for cooperation in other areas.

Recruiting elites to manage future periods is on the agenda of the Ministry of Energy

During his speech in this meeting, the Minister of Energy, referring to benefiting from the capabilities of knowledge-based and technological companies in solving the most important needs and strategies of the energy field, said: "One of the main priorities in the Ministry of Energy is the use of knowledge-based companies and methods to respond to the most important questions and needs of the field of energy. We should be able to use the capabilities of these companies and the innovative products and solutions they provide to manage the situation in such a way as to minimize the effects of disharmony in people's lives.

Referring to the creation of a suitable environment for knowledge-based and technological companies to play a role in plans and mega-projects of the energy sector, Mehrabian added: appropriate budgets and credits have been allocated to these plans, and the share of knowledge-based companies in the mega-strategic plans of the Ministry of Energy has increased and now to a significant extent.

Referring to the presentation of needs by the Ministry of Energy to the knowledge-based companies and the presentation of solutions by these companies, he added: In a period, we saw that the plans and researches of the knowledge-based companies were without regard to the market needs of the ministry, but now we announce the needs and the companies according to the planned needs, they advance in the way of presenting the idea, cultivating it and commercializing it, which is also supported by the Ministry of Energy. We hope that by adopting this strategy and with the help of the capabilities and innovation of knowledge-based companies, we will be able to answer many of the needs of the energy sector.

Referring to the use of the elite capacity in the future management structure of the Ministry of Energy in cooperation with the Vice Presidency of Science, the National Elites Foundation and the Administrative and Employment Organization, the Minister of Energy stated: the use and attraction of the elite means the hunting of elite people with unique characteristics for the management of the future years and future periods are on the agenda of the Ministry of Energy. People who are attracted with sufficient qualifications and without relying on any kind of rent to influence the future transformation of the Ministry of Energy. In this program, which is implemented by using the capacity of the country's elites, the National Elite Foundation and the Vice Presidency of Science will play a role with the permission of the Employment Administrative Organization, and the transformation path of the Ministry of Energy will be developed with the help of young and qualified talents in the form of a joint and inter-institutional cooperation.


  • News group : NEWS,Slider,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Headquarters,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Department of STI Policy & Evaluation,Deputy for Management Development & Resources ,International Affairs & Technological Exchange Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 94343

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