The Resistive Economy Means Reinforcing the Contentment’s Stamina
The Resistive Economy Means Reinforcing the Contentment’s Stamina
The perspective of The Vice-President of Science and Technology towards creative, cultural industries;
Treasures overhead, sufferings underfoot
Treasures overhead, sufferings underfoot
The Presidency Vice President for Science and Technology Affairs’ Message for Nowruz 1395;
More Beautiful Is That Idea in Your Mind Get Renewed
More Beautiful Is That Idea in Your Mind Get Renewed
Victory in Science Global Arena
Needing Utilization of Scientific Journalism
Needing Utilization of Scientific Journalism
The Science and Knowledge-Based Power Age
The Science and Knowledge-Based Power Age
The necessity for appropriate using of elites and scientists
The necessity for appropriate using of elites and scientists
Knowledge-Based Is a Necessity Not a Choice
Knowledge-Based Is a Necessity Not a Choice
The necessity for appropriate using of elite scientists
The necessity for appropriate using of elite scientists