  • Jan 19 2016 - 17:16
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The necessity for appropriate using of elites and scientists

The necessity for appropriate using of elites and scientists

Sooerna Sattari*

Thank God the Iranian peoples resistance, and support leadership, efforts and follow-up of government, especially diplomatic system resulted in collapsing the walls of sanctions. The wall that was built unjustly could not stand the impacts of logic and fairness and overthrown entirely. The day the lifting of sanctions is a historic day. Not because the world powers stopped being obstinate and opened the doors of economy and their technology to us. No. the thing that make this day historical, is patience of people stood against the hegemonic system did not let them to violate their rights. In history of this land, especially after the revolution, many examples can be mentioned which patiently and unity of people resulted and got them what they wanted. Story of joint comprehensive plan of action is the same gender. Wise guidance of leader of the revolution, public awareness and participation and entrust the work to experts and responsibility of the elite and scholars caused international recognition of nuclear right, and raised social and scientific credibility of Islamic Iran in the world. In this way we paid a lot of financial and intellectual cost and also we obtained valuable experience. Sometimes we went the way correct but sometime we went wrong. Sometimes we supported each other and sometimes we Overwhelmed by feelings and hurt each other. Sometimes we cooperated, sometimes we were looking for someone to blame. But what we got today is more valuable that lifting of sanctions. We earned an experience that can remove darkness and ambiguities of the future like a light. Scientific and technical experience on the one hand and political and diplomatic experience of the other empower us in dealing with future problems. Our approach in getting our nuclear rights was unique in the world. No country was in same situation before us. Even what we did about lifting the sanctions was unique. There was no nation before us to lift sanctions without retreating from their positions. International observers are right when they say manner and method of the Islamic Republic should become university lesson in the fields of politics and international law. Indeed something important happened and it should be appreciated. We should not let political competitions lower its value and God forbidden the sweetness of this work turn into bitterness for people. In fact, from here on we must enjoy this sweetness and solve the countries problems with an even more open hand. Sanction had many bad effects but it is undeniable that it made scientists and technologists and people do to impossible things and practically experience the self-reliance. We should follow this experience after lifting of sanctions and along with instructive interaction with the world, get the new sciences and technologies.

When with lots of obstacles we governed the country in best conditions it is obvious that now with open hands we can do better. But money coming and obstacle removal have their own problems. Again we learn from experience that if we do not commit to plans and programs and do not be aware of our situation, enormous resources will not lay down our burden. Not only this wealth will not be helpful but it will bring with itself huge problems. Problems that we are still pay for them. Money is important but it is not everything. Lifting sanctions are important too but managing the country is more important. We could solve our problems with huge oil incomes. But we did not use the chance and invested the money in places that they did not pay back. If we learned our lesson we should not waste a penny of this money and cause consumerism and false welfare. We must organize domestic production and provide circumstances for knowledge-based economy boom.

We don’t have shortage in young and creative workforce. If we provide the opportunity for thriving business Iranian talented young people know how to entrepreneur through knowledge-based economy. Modern entrepreneur does not need government money. If we provide the security for investment our young people would show themselves not only in national arena but also in global arena. Now that sanctions have been lifted it is a good opportunity for us to take our share of the world economy. This share means presence and participant in production and knowledge based services. The government has been regularly and knows what to do to handle the economy during after sanction period. From now on it is necessary to have the same empathy and cooperation that we had in the nuclear process. In light of the consensus and unanimity we can do important things and we can take big steps. For this we need national responsibility and that the public, especially young people work with extra effort and pay their homage to fatherland.


The Presidency Vice President for Science and Technology Affairs*

  • News group : NEWS,Notes
  • News code : 18103


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