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The role of knowledge-based economy in population dynamics; Dehghani: The prosperity of knowledge-based and innovative companies lays the groundwork for the dynamics of the creative and elite population

The first innovative investment campaign to create a platform for the youth of the population and the excellence of the family was launched with the presence of the vice president for science, technology and knowledge-based economy.

Ruhollah Dehghani, presenting at Shahid Beheshti University, among the participants and activists of the campaign, referring to the role of the university in the link between the concept of promoting human capital and innovation, said: The Technology Research Fund of Shahid Beheshti University, which is in a field such as youth and dynamism has taken some steps, it is an innovative act in itself.

He added: I emphasize that investment funds in the field of research should be mentioned with the term "technology research", because the special attention of these funds is on the technology category.

The head of the National Elites Foundation, while emphasizing the cultural and technological work in the field of population dynamics and the emergence of all sections in the society added: There is a long distance from the desired point, but the main strategic step in this area is taken by the people, creative youth and elites. Along with the activities of the society, the devices and institutions such as the Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy are only helpers. The main and effective scientific, technological and innovative steps are taken forward by these university faculty members, youth and elites in the form of knowledge-based and innovative companies. Moving in this direction is an inevitable requirement and we should all support and accompany them.

Dehghani, stating that any form of development is based on risk-taking, intellectual ability, creativity and courage of young human resources, said: As this population ages, the speed and rate of growth will decrease. Therefore, paying attention to the aging population challenge and finding a solution to it is an innovative, strategic and unavoidable necessity for our country in these days and tomorrow.

Pointing out that the realization of a young and dynamic population requires thoughtful steps and measures, he continued: the Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy has provided support in the development of technologies in the field of infertility prevention and treatment, but the most basic and smallest task is to solve the problem of the youth of the population and to promote the family culture and push the society towards having children. Because the treatment of infertility is an economic task that takes its course. However, not having children is facing a much more complicated crisis beyond infertility and requires cognitive, intellectual and cultural work.

Dehghani, pointing out that today's approach of the society in rejecting childbearing is the result of a process of many years, which requires a long-term activity, added: The results of researches show that people in all parts of the world are tending towards levels of depression. This has reduced their desire to have children, on the other hand, they try to answer the challenge of their inner anxiety with various methods, but unfortunately, this belief has formed in their minds that they should not have children. Therefore, this belief should be corrected in the society and above all among the elite and educated stratum. We must provide a basis for the development of knowledge-based employment; So that by creating mental and economic peace, the path will be paved for population dynamics and the increase of the educated population.

Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, emphasizing that in addition to the necessity of preserving and perpetuating elites, and in benefiting from top talents, we must take serious steps to transform approaches related to population and family, stated: We must develop and protect this capital. Valuable genetics, which is full of intelligence and creativity, all institutions, including the vice presidency of science, should take serious steps. The support period of the 60s and 70s has changed and the population cannot be encouraged to have children with the previous incentives. Rather, the problem is cognitive. The wrong culture of not having children has left its impact on the society for more than several decades, and its solution should be investigated in the field of deep cultural and media thinking and intellectual work.

The interaction of the Vice Presidency of Science and Beheshti University in the evolution and dynamics of the population

Seyyed Mahmoud Reza Aghamiri, President of Shahid Beheshti University, emphasized the youth of the population and the promotion of the family as two important arms of progress and said: the role of both sides of the population, i.e. both the youth and the old population, should be examined and paid attention to. This survey is supposed to pay attention and examine how to realize the growth and youth of the population as one of the foundations of progress, with the help of knowledge, technology and innovation.

He added: The implementation of the law on the youth of the population leads to the reduction of social harms, and in order to realize a healthy and dynamic family, the category of the youth of the population should be a priority.

Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy

  • News group : NEWS,Slider,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Headquarters,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Department of STI Policy & Evaluation,Deputy for Management Development & Resources ,International Affairs & Technological Exchange Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 90179

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