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  • Nov 30 2022 - 15:54
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Dehghani Firouzabadi; We support innovative solutions to solve problems and needs in the field of crisis management

The joint meeting of the vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy and the head of the country's crisis management organization was held to examine the benefits of technological and innovative solutions in the prevention and crisis management.

In the meeting that was held with the presence of Ruhollah Dehghani Firouzabadi, Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy and Mohammad Hasan Nami, the head of the country's crisis management organization, while examining the role of the ecosystem in technology and innovation for the prevention, management and damage removal of natural and unnatural crises, emphasized on the necessity of defining specific and central needs to provide innovative and technological solutions.

The vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy emphasized that the existence of specific and efficient solutions in the prevention and crisis management is the most important and obvious expectation of the society, and continued: as soon as a mechanism is created so that people can predict a crisis, prevent and If it happens, manage it, an important step forward has been taken.

Dehghani Firouzabadi emphasized that technological and innovative solutions should be prepared for the prevention and management of individual and social crises and continued: the country spends a lot of money in the field of compensation and management of the damages caused by the crisis, but the problem is that these costs are spent on It is after the occurrence of the crisis and the concentration of expenses, based on a need-oriented and strategic mechanism and with the help of technology, should be focused before the occurrence of the crisis.

The vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy, stating that it is necessary to clearly quantify the needs and priorities so that the technologists can provide their innovative solutions based on these needs, continued: companies, research teams and elite cores do valuable work in this have done the field and are very motivated and interested to be the source of a desirable work in the country. In order for their efforts to bear fruit, it is necessary that the needs and priorities are correctly and clearly calculated and that research, products and services are used in a directed and targeted manner in the service of meeting those needs.

Pointing out that it is necessary for institutions such as the Crisis Management Organization and the Environmental Protection Organization to integrate their needs and guarantee the market, he added: We are determined to meet the needs in this specialized market and we are ready to do so in the form of a clear agreement and need-oriented, where the goal, strategy and actions are clear, we will provide the necessary support in the way of solving the needs with the help of knowledge-based and technological companies.

The need to benefit from technology in the field of crisis prevention and management

Referring to the role of knowledge-based and technological companies in reducing the damage caused by accidental, environmental, and other crises in the country, Mohammad Hassan Nami, the head of the country's crisis management organization, said: Many natural and unnatural challenges and crises these days are solved with the help of advanced technologies. They are not only manageable and trackable but also predictable. What the country's crisis prevention and management urgently needs.

He pointed to the role of the Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy in attracting and creating a link between innovations and key needs in the crisis area and continued: For example, earthquake is one of the deep-rooted and main crises that our country is facing and managing. has a major earthquakes in Iran based on historiography have been known for more than 220 years, and during these two hundred years, more than 6 earthquakes with an intensity of 7 Richter have occurred in the country, which have brought great and, of course, irreparable damages. This shows that the country has many vulnerable points against this incident, which the use of technologies can make an opportunity.

Nami pointed out that the advanced technologies of earthquake energy have made it possible to benefit from the energy for a better life, and continued: A lot of energy created by an earthquake can be used to improve life. It is necessary for the companies and teams of technologists and researchers to present their achievements and capabilities, and the Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy can be the communication link between these innovations and the applicant department.

Head of the crisis management headquarters, pointing to the necessity of using the technology of knowledge-based companies and creative and innovative teams in the country's earthquake accelerometer network, said: Currently, there are 140 seismograph stations across the country, and half of these stations are closed due to technical problems, lack of necessary technology and equipment are out of the cycle of efficiency. The domestic technological capability can help to revive and upgrade these stations, and while saving currency, creating employment and added value, with the development of technologies, it will provide the possibility of preventing and managing this crisis.

Nami continued by emphasizing that technological capacities should be used in various areas of crisis, from environmental problems such as fine dust to ensuring the security of dangerous places such as warehouses of chemical or flammable substances.

Communication and Information Center in the Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy

  • News group : NEWS,Slider,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Headquarters,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Department of STI Policy & Evaluation,Deputy for Management Development & Resources ,International Affairs & Technological Exchange Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 89108

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