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  • Jun 17 2023 - 15:36
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The head was appointed for the biotechnology and precision medicine development headquarters

The vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy appointed the head for the development of biotechnology and precision medicine headquarters.

Supporting acceleration programs, specialized innovation centers and other entrepreneurial activities required for the development of technology in the country is one of the special missions that Ruhollah Dehghani, the Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, issued to Mohammad Hossein Matalahi Ardakani as the Acting Secretary of the Biotechnology and Medicine Development Headquarters.

In this decree addressed to Matalahi Ardakani, it is stated: In view of his competence, expertise and experience, and at the suggestion of the head of the Center for Development of Strategic Technologies, by virtue of this decree, I appoint you as the Acting Secretary of the Development of Biotechnology and Precision Medicine Headquarters.

Based on this ruling, Matalahi Ardakani has been assigned to monitor and identify the capacities and challenges of technology development in the country and its place in interaction with various actors in this field by using the results of technology foresight studies with the aim of determining the work priorities of the headquarters and actively participating in the formulation The technology development roadmap aims to improve all functional aspects of the technology innovation system.

The development of emerging and transformative technologies is prioritized in order to respond to the future needs of the country by making maximum use of all the internal capacity of the innovation ecosystem and considering the capacity of international technological cooperation.

According to this decree, targeted support for the development of research infrastructures and the development of priority technologies by identifying and networking laboratory infrastructures, building, supplying equipment and materials, and planning and implementing related measures should also be realized to eliminate deficiencies.

Holding events and implementing effective promotion activities with the aim of networking among different players in this field and creating legitimacy in policy-making institutions in order to adopt appropriate policies for the development of technology in the country and to promote the necessary human capacities and to properly utilize scientific elites and technology leaders for the development of priority technologies are the other duties of this headquarters.

Also, market creation for priority technological products and achievements should be done according to the needs in different stages of technology development and maximum participation in the implementation of national and multi-field programs with the cooperation of other technology development headquarters.

Mohammad Hossein Matalahi Ardakani is a PhD in Biotechnology at Tehran University, a lecturer at the PhD Department of Biotechnology at Tehran University and a developer of synthetic biology and team building around hi-tech biotechnology issues in the country. He has also won many honors such as the gold silver medal of the South Korean Biology Olympiad.

Among his activities and executive records, we can mention the CEO and founder of Pishgaman Bioengineering Company, the chairman of the board of directors of Tehran-based Bio Foundation Institute, and the head of the Iranian Biology Olympiad national team. Also, Matalahi Ardakani has a lot of experience in scientific and research activities in the field of biotechnology.

He is the employer of projects such as "Production of enzymes required for the production of the Iranian Coronapsin vaccine", "DNA biosynthesis", "Microbial production of butane triol with the approach of metabolic engineering and synthetic biology", "Development of the Gibson DNA assembly kit", "Elite capacity building for the development of biology" synthetic in the country", "prioritizing the development of immunotherapy in the country" and so on.

  He has other honors such as winning the national gold medal in the Biology Olympiad, presenting the best paper in the Iran International Biotechnology Conference, winning the fourth national rank in the Kharazmi Youth Festival, winning the fifth national rank in the Kharazmi Youth Festival, and winning the first national rank in the Science Olympiad. Scholars of the Biology Olympiad, being one of the 7 students with the title of the best student in the country, winning the first place in the country in the Science Olympiad organized by the Institute of Young Scholars, winning the best student idea in the national stem cell ideation competition, winning the second place in the country in the Basij Olympiad of biology science has won the first place in Yazd province in laboratory competitions and so on.

Among his scientific, cultural and executive activities, he is a teacher of the basic biology course for engineers at Sharif University of Technology, a member of the Scientific Council of Tehran University Student Mobilization, the Scientific Vice-President and Student Mobilization Officer of Tehran University of Science Campus, cooperation in the stem cell research project in The research center was founded, holding a series of specialized conferences on engineering in the campus of Technical-Engineering Faculties of Tehran University to familiarize engineering students with the field of biological sciences, holding a specialized meeting of evolutionary engineering with the participation of more than 50 faculty members, membership In the Agricultural Working Group of the Biotechnology Development Headquarters, a lecturer in the scientific courses of the Strategic Center for Convergent Technologies of the Vice Presidency of Science in the field of synthetic biology, a lecturer in the Young Scholars Club in the field of biology, holding a stem cell training workshop, a conference on game theory and a conference on familiarizing Nanotechnology at University of Tehran, member of the scientific committee and judge of the problem-oriented contests of the National Elites Foundation.

Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy

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