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The appointment of the secretary for the development of the knowledge-based economy of food and agriculture headquarters

By the decree of the vice president for science, technology and knowledge-based economy, the secretary was appointed for the Development of Knowledge-Based Economy of Food and Agriculture Headquarters

Development of the ecosystem of innovation, technology and the development of the knowledge-based economy market in the field of food and agriculture; It is the most important mission that Ruhollah Dehghani, the vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy, has assigned to Kazem Khavazi as the secretary for the development of knowledge-based economy of food and agriculture headquarters.

In this ruling, it is addressed to Khavazi: In view of his merit and valuable experience, and at the suggestion of the deputy of the development for the knowledge-based economy, I hereby appoint you as the secretary for the development of the knowledge-based economy of food and agriculture headquarters. Considering the high goals of this headquarters and the necessity of planning and transformation in improving the country's position, special missions are expected from you in interaction with the deputy of knowledge-based economy development.

"Preparation of a comprehensive document with the approach of developing the ecosystem of innovation, technology and market development of the knowledge-based economy in the field of food and agriculture and detailed planning for its implementation", "Creating the capacity and planning to improve the share of the knowledge-based economy in the field of food and agriculture with the approach of improving food security and reducing dependence on the supply of materials, items and feed abroad as well as export development", "Presenting a plan for the development of economy-oriented cooperation in the field of food and agriculture with all related government agencies and organizations and private sector actors with a long-term perspective", "Implementation of projects economy-oriented and driven in the field of food and agriculture by using the capacity of knowledge-based companies in cooperation with the steering center of special headquarters for the development of knowledge-based economy", "promoting the participation and cooperation of elites in identifying and solving problems in the field of food and agriculture in close cooperation with other decision-making bodies, public and private decision-maker and executive" and "serious attention to the penetration of transformative technologies in the food and agriculture sector, especially in the field of intelligence" are the most important of these missions.

I ask Almighty God for continued success in following the wise instructions of the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution and the policies of the people's government.

Among the executive records of Khavazi, who is a member of the academic staff in the Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization, it could be mentioned as "Minister of Agricultural Jihad", "Deputy Minister and Head of the Agricultural Research, Education and Promotion Organization", "Deputy Promotion of the Organization and Head of the Agricultural Education and Extension Institute", "Deputy Education and Promotion of Agricultural Education and Promotion Research Organization", "Head of the Soil and Water Research Institute of the country", "Deputy Researcher of the Soil and Water Research Institute", "Deputy Planning and Support of the Soil and Water Research Institute", "Head of the Soil Biology Research Department" and the head of Karaj soil and water research station".

"Invited membership in the Academy of Sciences of the Islamic Republic of Iran", "Executive of the national plan for the new system of agricultural promotion in the country", "The main proponent and follower of the approval of Article 59 of the Law for Permanent Decrees of the Islamic Republic of Iran", "Setting up a center for the registration and quality control of fertilizers in the country ", "Membership in the selected audit committee of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology in the Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization", "Membership in the Permanent Commission of the Board of Trustees of the Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization", "Membership in the National Headquarters for the Planning of Mobilization of Construction in the Agricultural Sector ", "Membership in the Executive Board of the Agricultural Research, Education and Promotion Organization", "Membership of the National Headquarters for Supporting and Organizing Agricultural Jihad Centers of the respective Ministry" and "Main Representative of the Ministry of Agricultural Jihad in the Organizing Council of the Country's Youth" are another part of his executive records.

Also, "Membership in the planning and support staff of the centers subject to Article 2 of the Productivity Increase Law", "Executive of the resistance economy programs of knowledge-based companies and the transfer of research findings to the field", "Executive of the resistance economy program of training users through mass media", "Executive in charge of the project National support for technical and consulting companies in the agricultural sector", "Secretary of the first Fertilizer Congress and several scientific and executive congresses of the country in the agricultural sector", "Chairman of major conferences for the selection of national samples of the agricultural sector, Jihad Agricultural Centers, International Rural Women's Day, Shahid Avini Festival and...", "Founder of the Soil Biology Research Department in the Soil and Water Research Institute of the country", "Setting up several production lines of biofertilizers in the form of transferring the technical know-how of 10 organizations in the Supreme Council of Education and Culture" and "Membership in The Supervisory Committee of the Construction Soldiers Project at the General Headquarters of the Armed Forces" is another executive record recorded in Khavazi's work record.

Among his research records, we can mention things like "publishing more than 150 articles in domestic and foreign prestigious scientific and research journals", "executive and collaborator of more than a hundred research projects at the national and institutional level", publishing more than 120 articles in Accredited domestic and foreign scientist", "Guidance and consultation of more than 50 doctoral theses and dissertations", "Authorship and translation of a book of three titles", "Teaching in prestigious domestic universities at the doctorate and master's level", "Member of the editorial board" Journal of Soil Research", "Founder and Editor of Scientific Research Journal of Soil Biology" and "Director in charge of several scientific and extension publications", "Secretary of Iran Soil Science Association" and so on.

Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy

  • News group : NEWS,Slider,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Headquarters,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Department of STI Policy & Evaluation,Deputy for Management Development & Resources ,International Affairs & Technological Exchange Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 90753

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