Creation of the First Solar Farm on Sea
Creation of the First Solar Farm on Sea
Netherlands proved its serious commitment to find sustainable energies one more time by developing a floating solar energy farm, which is one of a kind.
According to the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs, a company from Netherlands called “Oceans of Energy”, which produces floating systems for producing clean energy, has developed a floating solar energy farm with the title of “Solar-at-Sea”. Solar farms are currently based in waters near the shore and lakes. However, no project has been carried out in the middle of the sea, which is a very difficult task.
Severe and destructive winds and waves are forces that prevent others from performing this project. However, we are convinced that we could be successful in this project due to having valuable partners and relying on the ocean industrial experts of Netherlands.
This project has received 1.48 million dollars from the ministry of economy and water and air of Netherlands for the next three years. In addition, this project is carried out with the cooperation of research institutes, universities, energy companies and various government organizations.
At first, an area of 30 m2 will be installed for test. If successful, the final farm with the area of 2500 m2 will be established until 2021. Van Hooken believes that establishing this project will pave the way for development and install of several large floating solar farms.
According to this scholar, floating solar farm will be a solution for the whole world since most the population of the world live in coastal regions.