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Dehghani said in online communication with the people:

We are looking to increase the role of knowledge-based institutions in the field of governance

The online accountability meeting of the vice president for science, technology and knowledge-based economy was held on the platform of the public communication system of the presidential institution.

The public relations office of the presidential institution hosted Ruhollah Dehghani so that the activists of the country's technology, innovation and knowledge-based economy ecosystem could hear the answers to their concerns, demands and questions from the vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy in an intimate and unmediated atmosphere.

Ruhollah Dehghani, Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, in response to an audience of knowledge-based and technological companies, academics and researchers, stating that a significant share of the activities and work priorities in the Vice Presidency of Science is responding to and addressing the concerns of technology ecosystem activists, innovation and Economy is knowledge-based, he continued: I regularly have several face-to-face and direct meetings with managers, technologists and innovators every week. Also, the vice-presidents and managers in the vice presidency of science have dedicated a special part of their activities to dialogue, visits and specialized meetings to solve the challenges facing the activists of knowledge-based companies. The structure of the Vice Presidency of Science has been established in such a way that it moves in the direction of continuous and popular interaction, and the supreme leader of the revolution, who laid the foundation stone of this institution and supported it, as well as the honorable president, emphasize and pay attention to this issue.

Making changes in the evaluation approach of knowledge-based companies

Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-based Economy, said about the evolution in the process of evaluating and approving knowledge-based companies: in the new approach that was held after thousands of hours of specialized meetings with the presence of the top companies and activists of the ecosystem of technology, innovation and knowledge-based economy, the new form and method and innovation was achieved in the evaluation and approval of knowledge-based companies, the details of which will be approved and announced soon. In the previous approach, only the process of a company and its product were evaluated, but in this new approach, the inputs, processes and outputs of the knowledge-based company, as well as the company's growth and value creation, play a role in the evaluation and qualification criteria.

The head of the National Elites Foundation, emphasizing that knowledge-based governance should be implemented in the country to transform the current approaches and comprehensively support the creative, elite and value-creating youth, added: due to the multiplicity of structures, inconsistent orders and strategies have increased and Institutions should pay attention to this issue with a knowledge-based discourse. We are trying to coordinate all the country's institutions and ministries to support the country's science and technology discourse, and we will pursue this issue in the form of the country's knowledge-based economy roadmap.

He stated that the transformation in the process of support of institutions and society for the knowledge-based ecosystem requires cultural work, in the long term and in a gradual manner. Therefore, for knowledge-based governance in economy, culture and other fields, we must have a continuous effort and firm determination. In this area, we need to work diligently so that this issue is institutionalized in the form of a discourse.

Dehghani further added: the vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy is actually the president's assistant in scientific, technological and knowledge-based matters. We are trying to support the formation of thinking clubs, views, consultations and strategies of the activists of the ecosystem of technology, innovation and knowledge-based economy in the governing body of the country. These clubs provide an environment where empathy and companionship is formed between the body of the knowledge-based economy and the governing body of the country so that problems and issues can be corrected in an intelligent and visionary way.

Increasing the military capacity of knowledge-based companies

The Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy announced the approval in principle of the General Staff of the Armed Forces to use the capacity of elite and capable soldiers in the bodies of knowledge-based companies and added: With the support of the Supreme Leader and the support of the General Staff of the Armed Forces, a capacity has been created for the past few years. Every year, a number of soldiers whose capabilities are efficient in knowledge-based companies spend their military years in these companies. Due to the significant increase in the number of knowledge-based companies, it is natural for the limits of using this legal advantage to increase; But fortunately, with the efforts and follow-up that took place in the Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-based Economy and the principled and implicit agreement of the General Staff of the Armed Forces, this capacity is supposed to increase to 10,000 people.

Smart and targeted allocation of support and exemptions to knowledge-based companies

Dehghani, stating that tax exemption is a tool to help start-up companies and support for knowledge-based companies, should be smart and purposeful based on the function of the support and the needs of the companies, adding: the policy of the Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy is to use these protections and exemptions defined under the law according to the capabilities and efforts of the companies according to their needs. The tool of tax exemptions is a tool for the formation of newer companies to grow in a safe greenhouse. Firms that have reached a certain level of growth and maturity should receive greater support from marketers.

It should be noted that the online meeting of the vice president for science, technology and knowledge-based economy was held in line with the 13th government's emphasis on responding online to the demands of the cabinet members, and the vice president for science, technology and knowledge-based economy was present at the presidential public communication center, while answering phone calls and online, to people's questions and demands in the knowledge-based field.

In this meeting, a report was presented on the evaluation of the performance by the vice presidency of science, technology and knowledge-based economy in the field of public relations of the 13th government.

Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy

  • News group : NEWS,Slider,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Headquarters,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Department of STI Policy & Evaluation,Deputy for Management Development & Resources ,International Affairs & Technological Exchange Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 90775

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