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In a meeting with Sharif University entrepreneurs; Dehghani:

Paying attention to the knowledge-based economy requires reforming approaches in the field of governance

A group of entrepreneurs and technologists of Sharif University of Technology raised their concerns with the vice president of science.

Ruhollah Dehghani, Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-based Economy, said in the gathering of a number of educated entrepreneurs of Sharif University of Technology: I believe that the issue of governance must be corrected and until scientific and knowledge-based governance is not developed, development and transformation will not be realized. became. Attention should be paid to the issue of knowledge-based governance at the highest levels of the country.

The head of the National Elites Foundation considered that benefiting from the capacity and capability of Iranian talents and elites around the world requires a knowledge-based approach in governance and added: In a new look at Iranian elites in the form of the Connect program, the approach to non-elite Iranians is a supportive approach and from people who migrate, should be seen as a point of connection and connection with the world. Iranian elites should be considered the world's ambassadors of science, technology and innovation in that role.

The necessity of transformation in governance with the help of elites

Dehghani, stating that at present paying attention to the elites and using their capacity is the main concern and strategic issue of the government, he continued: based on the knowledge-based and elite-oriented governance approach, the elites should play a role in the sensitive and strategic parts of the country such as the economy. In this regard, the government, using the arm of the National Elites Foundation, is trying to take a serious step towards the involvement of the elites and turn the partial and limited work into a strategic and macro work.

He stated that the National Elites Foundation considers itself responsible for the development and stabilization of elite discourse in the country, and stated: We invest and support think tanks and producers of thought, because humanities and thought-oriented sciences are in line with the realization of knowledge-based and elite-oriented governance. It is of strategic importance. Our goal is to make a summit in the Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy and the National Elites Foundation; In this regard, the media is one of the areas that has a heavy mission in this area, we need serious media work and the capacities of the media should be used to promote this discourse.

Referring to the formation of headquarters for the development of knowledge-based economy and the evolution of evaluation processes of knowledge-based companies as well as elite criteria, the vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy said: We are evolving in the knowledge-based evaluation system and this support system is becoming more mature and placed It is based on more advanced and innovative standards. Also, in the discussion of elitism, larger criteria are used, the axis and basis of which will be the influence of a person in the society.

It should be noted that in this meeting, which was hosted by Sharif University of Technology, a number of entrepreneurs and experts in the field of technology, who graduated from Sharif University of Technology, had a direct and transparent conversation with the vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy.

Value creators who are graduates of Sharif University meet monthly to express their concerns, experiences and solutions in the form of an interactive and conversation-oriented group.

Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy


  • News group : NEWS,Slider,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Headquarters,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Department of STI Policy & Evaluation,Deputy for Management Development & Resources ,International Affairs & Technological Exchange Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 90427

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