Evaluated on the First International Forum of National Science and Technology Forecasting Program in Automotive;
The decoding of the ecosystem of technology and innovation of the automotive industry
The decoding of the ecosystem of technology and innovation of the automotive industry
Performed by the Cognitive Sciences and Technologies Development Headquarter;
A step is taken toward the promotion and improvement of cognitive sciences.
A step is taken toward the promotion and improvement of cognitive sciences.
By the Support of the Knowledge-based Economy and Culture Development Headquarter;
Startups of convergent technologies will be identified
Startups of convergent technologies will be identified
With the Support of the Soft and Identity-making Technologies Development Headquarter;
Breeding cinematic ideas will be implemented in the “Idea Creation Event”
Breeding cinematic ideas will be implemented in the “Idea Creation Event”
With the Support of the Development Headquarter for Medicines and Traditional Medicine Technologies;
The Noavargah of dietary and herbal supplements will be held
The Noavargah of dietary and herbal supplements will be held
Emphasized on the First Meeting between Biotechnology, Nano, and Water, Drought, Erosion, and Environment Development Headquarters;
Development of technologies in the area of water will be prioritized
Development of technologies in the area of water will be prioritized
Will Be Performed with the Support of the Vice-Presidency for Science and Technology Affairs;
Localization of biosciences and new technologies by “Lidcotech”
Localization of biosciences and new technologies by “Lidcotech”
The first symposium on “muscle disorders, stem cells and regenerative medicine” was held
The first symposium on “muscle disorders, stem cells and regenerative medicine” was held
Performed with the Support of the Cognitive Sciences and Technologies Development Headquarter;
Empowering of student elites in the area of cognitive sciences
Empowering of student elites in the area of cognitive sciences
With Special Pages about Social Assets and Economic Development;
The 26th issue of monthly journal of “Knowledge-based” is published
The 26th issue of monthly journal of “Knowledge-based” is published