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Winners of “Top Creative” Festival Will Receive Special Facilities

A new call has been made for the “top creative” festival in order to recognize and select the best creative companies. According to the call, the first three companies selected will receive 100 million Tomans. In addition, the selected startups will be introduced as creative teams in addition to receiving cash prizes.

The festival will be held to select and honor top creative companies and successful startups in the creative industries. Celebrating accelerators, innovation centers (active in the field of creative industries) and creative secretariat partner centers is another part of the festival's goals.

In addition, 100 million Tomans of facilities will be paid to the top three creative companies. Top startups are also recognized as a creative team in addition to receiving cash prizes. Prizes are awarded in two categories: mature companies and growing companies.

According to the secretariat of the event, evaluation and ranking in each field will be done among creative companies operating in the same field, and the evaluation criteria of each field may be different from the other field.

The event will be held in summer and its date of implementation will be announced in the following announcements.

For more information, please refer to http://ircreative.isti.ir.

A report by the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs

  • News group : NEWS,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 68885

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