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Urgent News; Corona Molecular Diagnosis Kit is now Made in Iran / Release 80000 Test Kit per Week

Urgent News; Corona Molecular Diagnosis Kit is now Made in Iran / Release 80000 Test Kit per Week


 Once again, the scientists became our proud by their technological action. The Corona Virus Molecular Diagnosis Kit was localized by researchers at a knowledge-based company and made available to laboratories approved by the Ministry of Health.

In the last days of March, Mustafa Qanei, secretary of the Vice President of Science and Technology for Biotechnology Development, at a meeting attended by Vice President of Science and Technology Sorena Sattari, announced the success of knowledge-based companies to develop the Corona Diagnostic Kit, which will hit the market in April.

Now this news has come true, just less than five days after the New Year.

Corona Molecular Diagnosis Kits were manufactured and localized by Pishtaz Teb Knowledge-based Company. Now, coronary heart disease is being diagnosed with Iranian-made kits.


Vahid Younesi, Business Development Director of Pishtaz Teb Company, one of the leading companies in the field of health, said: "The research and development team of the company started their job from the very first days of the outbreak and after publishing the call for cooperation by the Vice-Presidency of Science and Technology by their full-time and energy focused on the topic.

He described that the distribution of kits is according to the priorities of the Ministry of Health and stated: In terms of accuracy, performance and timing of detection this product is quite similar to foreign quality samples. It has also been successfully tested and licensed in the Ministry of Health"s qualified laboratories.

"We continued our research even with the holidays," Younesi said. There are now terms of supply of 80,000 kits per week depending on the conditions of the selected laboratories. Of course, we are ready to deliver 400,000 diagnostic tests over the next month. By this product, we definitely diagnose the disease in suspected patients. These kits target specific genes of the virus and, after passing the stages of testing, determine the virus in the sample.

According to him, the test time is 6 hours and will be improved by the availability and continuity of indigenous products and commensurate with the facilities of competent laboratories covered by the Ministry of Health.

With this knowledge-based action, the country"s need for the Corona Diagnostic Kit was met. So that after meeting the needs of the country we can be the exporter of the product. There are requests from countries to buy this product. Researchers from biotechnology, molecular biology and virology contributed to the design of these kits.

Report from the Communications and Information center for Vice-Presidency of Science and Technology


  • News group : NEWS,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Headquarters,Communication & Information Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 50117


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