The realization of the predicted goals in the horizon of 2025 depends on doubling the share of research and development in the GDP
The vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy stated that the share of research and development in the gross domestic product, which is 4% predicted in the policies announced by the Farzaneh leader of the Islamic Revolution, will not exceed 0.8% in the best case, he said: only if the amount If the investment in this field increases to above 1.5%, we may reach the goal predicted in the horizon of 2025.

According to the communication and information center in the Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, the 24th Exhibition of Research, Technology and Technology Achievements in the Market with the presence of Ruhollah Dehghani, Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, Mohammad Ali Zulfi Gol, Minister of Science, Research and Technology and Tehranchi, the president of Islamic Azad University, was opened in the Great Mosque of Imam Khomeini in Tehran.
In the opening ceremony of this event, referring to the approval of the implementation guidelines of Article 13 of the Knowledge-Based Production Leap Law, Dehghani said: The implementation plan of the 13th Article of the Knowledge-Based Production Leap Law, which was approved thanks to the diligent follow-up of the Steering Council of Knowledge-Based Technologies and Products on November 27th of this year, has a lot of capacity. It provides a good opportunity for capable universities to use tax credits to increase the quality and quantity of research and development projects.
The head of the National Elites Foundation stated that universities are one of the origins of the formation of knowledge-based companies and technology-oriented researches, and stated: I hope that with the new blood that will flow into the country's research and research artery due to the implementation of this article of the knowledge-based production leap law. Next year let's witness much more dynamics in the field of scientific research. Research is planting and planning for the future, and I hope that the seeds that are planted today in the field of research can produce fruitful seedlings of technology and added value in the coming years.
Dehghani continued: The possibility of submitting an application for using tax credits in all seasons of the year and providing 20% of overhead costs of universities is one of the features of this agreement, and based on this joint cooperation, the approval of the university president is sufficient as a criterion for accepting research and development. And for undocumented expenses, it is expected that the president of the university will make a decision.