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  • Nov 14 2023 - 09:59
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The necessity of moving the National Elites Foundation from sporadic events and unplanned projects to elitism based on level professors

The 78th meeting of the Permanent Committee of the National Elites Foundation was held with the presence of the president and members of the foundation's board of trustees.

According to the communication and information center in the Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, Ruhollah Dehghani, the head of the National Elites Foundation, in the 78th Permanent Commission of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation, referring to the transformation of the foundation's approach and implementation, according to the emphasis of the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution. On the role of the elites in the context of the society and the growth of this society with the formation of professor-oriented cores, he added: the meeting of the elites with the Supreme Leader of the Revolution in September this year was a valuable meeting. They always follow up the field of elites with concern and compassion and they believe that the leadership and movement of the country should go in a direction where elites play a prominent role. Therefore, in this meeting, they raised questions about the latest status of the elites, the activities of the National Elites Foundation and the actions taken and to come, and in this regard, we presented a report to them.

He continued: According to global statistics, if we consider one percent of our society as elite, then at least one million people will be included in the circle of elite society. Therefore, even if we consider one-tenth percent of the society to be elite, we are talking about a population of 100,000 people, which is itself a large society, and it is not possible to support this large society by allocating money and individual support; For example, if we want to support a person whose minimum support is to have a job with a low salary, it costs 200 million tomans per year, and assuming a population of 100 thousand elites, we need at least 20 budgets, which practically cannot be realized.

The head of the National Elites Foundation stated: This type of view and approach that the foundation is an institution that has resources and has only come to separate some people from the society with the label of elite and allocate these resources to them is not a correct approach. Based on this, the movement of the elite foundation towards its main mission, which is to act as a liaison institution between the society and the government and with a popular structure, was put on the agenda.

Emphasizing that the elite's foundation should be transformed from an institution dependent on the government to a people's institution and consider itself as a people's institution, Dehghani said: One of the things that the Supreme Leader emphasizes is the formation of professor-oriented cores. Scattered projects without a long-term plan make the foundation an award-giving enterprise, but projects with a process around a master are the foundation's priority. Plans based on a professor to develop several people instead of one person and help them to step on the path of growth.

He continued: The elite should not be separated from the people and should always play an active and effective role in solving the most important needs of the society. The attitude that the National Elites Foundation is an institution that has members and these members have special advantages over the general society should be corrected. Despite the repeated assertions that the Elites Foundation has no members and the elite person is not a member of the Elites Foundation, we still see in many resumes that people consider themselves members of the National Elites Foundation. The process of the foundation's activities should change from the form of scattered events to continuous and purposeful processes with a transformational and elite approach based on balanced professors.

Dehghani stated that the formation of the professor-centered cores is one of the highlights by the Supreme Leader of the revolution and said: the professor-centered project is one of the issues emphasized and prominent in the elite discourse of the supreme leader. When a work-oriented professor is placed, he can put several talents on the path to elite. The definition of elite is the same definition that the Supreme Leader said, that is, a talented person who tries to serve the people with the help of God. In the population of 100,000 university professors, we have at least 10% elite professors and leaders, and if each of these people trains and guides three or four people, we will have a fruitful elite society. The identification method is also an active method and they are selected using collective intelligence and accurate and active evaluations.


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  • News code : 94545

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