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Dehghani emphasized

The necessity of forming a national flow of completing value chains by linking knowledge-based companies to industry

The first meeting was held for the policy council of the national event for knowledge-based economy industrial chains was held.

According to the communication and information center in the vice presidency of science, technology and knowledge-based economy, the policy meeting of the national event of knowledge-based economy industrial chains was held with the presence of Ruhollah Dehghani, vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy, Ali Agha Mohammadi, head of the economic group of the Supreme Leader office and member of Expediency Recognition Council and Ismail Ghaderifar, secretary of the national event of knowledge-based economy industrial chains and other members of the council.

In this meeting, Agha Mohammadi emphasized the role of knowledge-based institutions in completing the value chains of industries and stated: Today, we have many large companies and industries in the country that have the necessary capacity and capability to resolve technical dependencies, meet domestic needs and export; But it is necessary to actualize the passive capacity of these industries with the help of technology and innovation of knowledge-based companies.

Member of Expediency Discernment Council, pointing out that creating a stable and logical connection between the downstream and upstream parts of the chains, requires the presence of will and sufficient space for younger companies and the innovations of young and motivated human resources, and added: we should seek that our existing companies transform. This is made possible by a strong determination to involve smaller and tech companies with a younger, educated and enthusiastic workforce.

Agha Mohammadi continued: We must give sufficient authority, field and space to motivated and capable people so that they can prove themselves in the field of action.

The head of the Economic Group of the Supreme Leader Office stated: Currently, we have large companies that should take steps in the direction of domestic production, because in the calculation of exports, the domesticity of these products is the basis of the number of exports. Therefore, we should take a step towards internalization in the real sense and by completing the value chains with indigenous technology.

Ruhollah Dehghani, the vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy, also emphasized that innovative financing models and methods with the role of private sector investors should be the drivers of supply and completion of value chains, adding: the flow of injection growth, and based on government support, knowledge-based companies have limited capacity and elasticity; Government resources have limitations and cannot play the role of a serious driver to complete the value chain and technological and innovative transformation in the industry.

Emphasizing that the completion of the value chain and increasing the technological resilience of each industry is specifically done by the knowledge-based companies of the same field, he continued: In the talks I gave at the meeting of the elites serving the Supreme Leader, I mentioned that the only way to become knowledge-based in this economy is to place knowledge-based companies in the path of industrial value chains.

Giving an example, Dehghani emphasized the role and importance of knowledge-based companies in the path of value creation of large companies and various industries and said: South Korea is a good example of large, medium and small companies being in the heart of a chain, so that they are coordinated and in communication with each other creates value. There is no shortage of Iranian companies compared to South Korea, and sometimes our companies are much ahead, but in South Korea, there is a chain of small companies connected to large companies and industries. These companies are placed in a chain of acquisition, technology or an innovative value production.

The head of the National Elites Foundation, pointing out that we need a large national movement to complete the value chains by linking knowledge-based companies to industries, stated: This event is the beginning of a coherent and stable secretarial work, which will be organized into a series over a specified period of time. Interaction, cooperation agreement and movement in the process of completion of value chains lead.

Dehghani continued by pointing out that the uprising is of the market and knowledge-based economy: The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution mentioned the concept of uprising in his recent statements about the necessity of moving in the direction of the software movement; I believe that this upsurge is due to the nature of the market, so that the value chains of our industries will be transformed and give work to capable and specialized companies in this field.

He continued: We hope to implement this event by the end of November and create opportunities for large and capable companies. There are very good opportunities in the market and sufficient resources are available, and this event is completely market-oriented and can share these opportunities. Since the field of knowledge-based economy is a low-volume area and contains high added value, if the correct problem analysis is done in the form of this event and we determine the priorities correctly, financing will definitely be realized and good opportunities will be created for large companies. .

Esmaeil Ghaderifar, the secretary of the Policy Council of the first national event of knowledge-based economy industrial chains, also stated in this meeting: This event followed last year's visit of the Supreme Leader of the revolution to the exhibition of industrial capabilities and the points he made during this visit.

Referring to the definition of eight axes in the form of the national event of industrial chains of knowledge-based economy, Ghaderifar continued: these eight axes are electricity, petrochemical, silicon and semiconductor, healthy and sustainable food, advanced transportation, mining, organization - including all the tools are services and organizational empowerment services such as consulting for complications and organizational excellence - as well as health - including medical equipment and drugs.

He added: In the framework of this event, serious attention has been paid to the issue of organizational excellence as one of the areas that has been neglected and is considered one of the management bottlenecks.

Stating that we are looking for a half-empty glass in this event, Ghaderifar said: In these eight areas, we are looking to identify the main players and investors in order to take steps towards completing the value chains by forming consortia in various industries.

  • News group : NEWS,Slider,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Headquarters,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Department of STI Policy & Evaluation,Deputy for Management Development & Resources ,International Affairs & Technological Exchange Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 94273

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