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  • Dec 29 2020 - 15:52
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The first Made in Iran Corona vaccine was injected; Sattari: Self-sufficiency and the needlessness to import equipment to deal with the corona is the result of the efforts by knowledge-based companies

With the human injection of Made in Iran corona vaccines invented by a knowledge-based company, the first phase of the clinical study for the vaccine began and its production took a step forward.

Today, the Eram Hotel hosted volunteers receiving the "Made in Iran" Corona vaccine for the first time. The first dose of the vaccine was injected into the volunteer in the presence of Sorena Sattari, Vice President of Science and Technology, Saeed Namaki, Minister of Health, Treatment and Medical Education, Mohammad Mokhber, Chief Executive Officer of Farman Imam and Minoo Mehrz, Member of the National Corona Headquarters. So that the first phase of the clinical study of this vaccine officially begins.

Sorena Sattari, Vice President of Science and Technology, said at the ceremony that a great step has been taken by knowledge-based companies in the field of supplying technological items and equipment in the field of health, especially in the fight against corona. Knowledge-based Companies not only have brought us advanced equipment but also in the field of vaccines, they have brought valuable achievements for the health of the country.

Sattari continued by stating that the process of studying and preparing the Iranian vaccine and the manufacture of Corona by these companies has started from the first days, he continued: Various groups are currently working on vaccines, under the auspices of the Fight against Corona Headquarters and the Ministry of Health. The Vice Presidency of Science and Technology also supports these companies in this direction.

The head of the Biotechnology Development Headquarters, referring to the cooperation and creation of export opportunities for the technology items produced, said: The result for the efforts of knowledge-based companies is self-sufficiency and complete elimination of the need to import in the items needed to counter the corona, and today there is no need for it as to be provided by knowledge-based companies.

This vaccine is an inactivated virus and is being studied by Shafa Pharmed. Selected volunteers will receive blood samples several times during the injection process and will stay for one week.

These volunteers are in the age range of 18 to 50 years, and after monitoring and screening, 20 people who are found to be eligible for these tests will be studied after vaccination.

The first phase of clinical studies is scheduled to be completed in less than two months, and if successful, the next phase will begin. Out of 70,000 people who called the 4030 system, about 50,000 volunteered, and 20 of them will be selected and reviewed.

In this ceremony, Saeed Namaki, Minister of Health, Treatment and Medical Education, referring to the successful experience of our country in the production of drugs and vaccines, said: Iran with successful experience and history of about 100 years of vaccination, today is an important step in combating one of the most common diseases. Emerging has taken off.

Namaki continued by stating that with the help of knowledge-based companies, Iran's latent and neglected capacity in vaccine production has been revived: "By making Corona vaccine in the country, we have taken a revolutionary step in the fight against this disease and the efforts of Iranian scientists in this field are great and that’s promising.”

The Minister of Health, Treatment and Medical Education, referring to the country's capabilities in the field of biotechnology, said: "With the achievements we had, today we have reached the stage of performing the first injection on humans."

Namaki said that the first volunteer to inject the vaccine was the daughter of Dr. Mokhber, the head of the Imam's Executive Staff continued: "This action has a clear message and shows that the authorities involved believe in this effort and none of them prefer themselves or their family."

The Minister of Health, Treatment and Medical Education, referring to the synergy of Iranian technologists in research and production of corona vaccine with the findings and experiences of the scientific day, said: Vaccine production is based on all common and up-to-date models in the world.

Also, Mohammad Mokhber, Chief Executive Officer of Farman Imam, referring to the movement of knowledge-based companies in the field of production of Corona vaccine and medicine, said: At the beginning of the corona outbreak, the Supreme Leader issued a strict order to use all the scientific and technological capacities of the Executive Headquarters to serve the field of health and fight against this disease.

Minoo Mehrz, a member of the National Corona Headquarters, also said at the ceremony: "I have always emphasized that the creativity and enthusiasm of human resources will be a path-breaking resource, and this valuable achievement today is the result of trusting the creativity of creative youth."

Mehrz thanked the knowledge-based companies active in this field and said: "Today, a big step has been taken in this field and I hope that this process will soon lead to the mass production of Iranian corona vaccines."

Report by the Communication and Information Center in the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology

  • News group : NEWS,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Headquarters,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Department of STI Policy & Evaluation,Deputy for Management Development & Resources ,International Affairs & Technological Exchange Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 71945

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