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The Vice President for Science and Technology Affairs Unveiled the Production Line of Two Corona Diagnosis Kits/Sattari: Iran has acted powerful in the fight against corona with the help of the innovation and technology ecosystem

The Vice President for Science and Technology Affairs Unveiled the Production Line of Two Corona Diagnosis Kits/Sattari: Iran has acted powerful in the fight against corona with the help of the innovation and technology ecosystem

The Vice President for Science and Technology Affairs Unveiled the Production Line of Two Corona Diagnosis Kits/Sattari: Iran has acted powerful in the fight against corona with the help of the innovation and technology ecosystem


The production line of two types of Coronavirus diagnostic kits includes PCR-based analysis kits and serology kits were unveiled in “Pishtaz Teb” knowledge-based company in the presence of Sorena Sattari, the vice president for science and technology affairs to take an effective step toward the fight against corona with the help of the innovation and technology ecosystem.

During the visit, Sattari mentioned the high power of the country in the production of corona diagnosis kits, stating: we have witnessed good things since the outbreak of the virus in the country, and today we are at a point where we can say that all products are produced domestically and using the capabilities of the domestic workforce.

Sattari continued: part of the ability of companies to produce medical equipment needed to fight corona, such as operating room equipment, ICU room, as well as equipment needed to prevent and control corona disease, such as masks and medications. Fortunately, all of the mentioned equipment is produced inside the country by knowledge-based companies.

We Have Become Powerful in Producing Two Corona Diagnosis Kits

The president of the biotechnology development headquarter considered the production of diagnosis kits in Iran as a long step toward the fight against coronavirus.

Serological kits assess the immune system"s ability to fight corona.

According to Sattari, the second type of kit is serological with the ability to diagnose corona, and two million kits will be produced this week.

The president of the knowledge-based economy and culture-building technologies development headquarter continued: of course, with the expansion of the production capacity of other technology companies, these figures will definitely become bigger and more meaningful, and we can become one of the serious exporters of diagnostic kits.

According to Sattari, these good events have occurred in the fields of medical equipment, artificial intelligence and ICT. All of these issues have occurred in the innovation and technology ecosystem. This crisis proved that the ecosystem must be active in all industries so that no problems would occur in crisis.

23 Bio Drugs Will Be Produced in the Country

Sattari affirmed: 40 mask production lines will be established in the country in the next 15-20 days. In addition, we have a very good condition in the field of production of disinfectants and medical equipment. Iran has made significant progress in the field of biotech production and currently produces 23 bio drugs domestically. In Turkey, however, not a single domestic bio-drug has been produced. We owe all this success to the capabilities and capacities of startups, knowledge bases, and the ecology of technology and innovation.

In addition, the vice president for science and technology affairs appreciated the measures taken by the ministry of health as the forefront of the fight against corona.

Sattari also marked: corona diagnosis and estimation of the rate of infection in the community is done with these kits. Moreover, with a serological test, you can be more confident about who has had the disease before but have no symptoms.

A report by the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs



  • News group : NEWS,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Headquarters,Communication & Information Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 50376


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