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Today : Friday Mar 14 2025
  • Mar 1 2025 - 09:21
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The Vice Presidency of Science seeks to promote technology and create jobs with the Technological Postdoctorate plan

Hossein Afshin announced the Vice Presidency’s programs to promote technology and create job opportunities, and announced: "The "Technological Postdoctorate (TOP)" plan is designed to strengthen the connection between the university and industry and exploit the capabilities of the doctoral elite."

According to the Communication and Information Center in the Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, the vice presidency has launched an innovative project titled "Technological Postdoctorate (TOP)" with the aim of strengthening the foundations of the knowledge-based economy and enhancing the country's technological capabilities. This project, which seeks to create a transformation in the country's innovation ecosystem, provides an opportunity for PhD graduates to apply their knowledge and expertise in knowledge-based companies to develop advanced technologies and solve industrial challenges.

Hossein Afshin, the Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, described the plan in detail, describing it as an opportunity to empower PhD graduates and increase the competitiveness of domestic industries with the aim of reducing dependence on foreign technologies. Regarding the details of this two-year program, he explained: "The TOP plan is a support program that allows PhD graduates to work in knowledge-based companies under the supervision of professors and carry out research and development projects to solve industrial challenges and improve existing technologies. Knowledge-based companies can also increase the speed of innovation and development of their products and services by attracting specialized personnel and utilizing their capabilities."

The Vice President of Science announced: "More than ten thousand knowledge-based companies have received knowledge-based approval in this Vice Presidency. About 50% of these companies are located in Tehran province, followed by Isfahan province, which has the largest number of knowledge-based companies."

Afshin continued, referring to the monitoring conducted, and noted: So far, 729 knowledge-based companies have been identified with academic staff, and a total of 937 academic staff members are active in these companies. Stating that the capacity of the country's universities far exceeds this number, he emphasized the need for technology development.

The head of the National Elites Foundation also pointed out the weaknesses in the evaluation of universities and added: Universities are not always evaluated based on their economic and social effectiveness, and this is a big gap. We must change this attitude in universities and move towards new areas. Universities can act much more effectively than they currently are and play a significant role in the development of technology, innovation, and the prosperity of the knowledge-based economy.

Regarding the criteria for approving projects in the Technological Postdoctoral Program, Hossein Afshin said: Projects must be in line with solving the challenges of the company, industry, and the country, lead to the production of a prototype of an innovative product, improve the quality or reduce the price of existing products, and lead to the creation of technology at the level of a valid international patent.

Regarding the expected achievements from the implementation of this plan, the head of the National Elites Foundation added: Empowering and improving the skills of technology seekers, creating employment for them, providing sustainable job opportunities after completing the course, retaining elites and technologists in the country, strengthening the connection between industry and universities, reducing dependence on foreign countries, saving foreign exchange, increasing exports, and improving the country's economic complexity are among the key goals and achievements expected from the implementation of this program.

According to Afshin, after the company submits the technical acceptance form and reviews the relevant documents, a project approval meeting will be held within two weeks with the presence of company representatives, the project executor (technical applicant), the supervisor (representative for the Vice Presidency of Science), and the referee. In this meeting, the project will be reviewed from various technical and economic aspects, and if approved, a contract will be signed between the Vice Presidency of Science and the knowledge-based company.

He continued: "Based on this contract, the Vice Presidency of Science will provide 80% of the monthly salary of the researcher and other costs related to the implementation of the project, and knowledge-based companies are also required to provide 20% of the salary of the researcher, insurance premiums, taxes, and the necessary budget for raw materials, parts, and project implementation services." At the end of his speech, Afshin announced the provision of a one-year budget for the "Technological Postdoctorate" project and announced: "This project is currently ready for implementation and it is hoped that it will reach the operational stage before the new year."


  • News group : NEWS,Slider,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Headquarters,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Department of STI Policy & Evaluation,Deputy for Management Development & Resources ,International Affairs & Technological Exchange Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 102044

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