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Today : Friday Oct 18 2024
  • Jan 8 2020 - 15:05
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The Supportive Subsidy for Purchase of “Iranian-made” Lab Equipment Will Increase

The Supportive Subsidy for Purchase of “Iranian-made” Lab Equipment Will Increase


The manager of strategic technologies laboratory network announced the increased subsidiary for purchasing Iranian-made laboratory equipment.

Given the welcoming of purchasing domestic equipment on the 7th Iran Lab Expo by the members of the strategic technologies laboratory network, the percentage of subsidies provided by the Vice-Presidency to purchase the equipment will increase.

As mentioned by Reza Asadifard, the manager of strategic technologies laboratory network, the subsidy for purchase of equipment will increase to provide more facilities for the members of the network.

The percentage of subsidies proposed in this plan is in addition to the usual subsidies of the exhibition and the amounts previously mentioned. This means that the subsidy for the purchase of this equipment will increase.

Pointing out this issue, Asadifard marked: in the proposed subsidy scheme, the public centers that are members of the network and among the 1-100 ranks of the network can receive 15% surplus subsidies from the network to purchase all type-one and type-two equipment from the exhibition.

In addition, the public centers that are the members of the network and are ranked higher can achieve 10% subsidy for purchasing all type-one and type-two equipment from the exhibition.

Private network member centers, which range from one to one hundred networks this year and purchase all type-one or type-two equipment, will also receive a 20% subsidy based on the new plan.

According to Asadifard, public centers of the network with higher ranks that purchase type-one and type-two equipment will benefit from 20% subsidy.

A report by the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs



  • News group : NEWS,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 48572


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