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The Second Conference on Digital Economy and Responsive Systems Was Held

The Second Conference on Digital Economy and Responsive Systems Was Held

The digital economy and automation technologies development headquarter is one of the supporters of the second conference on digital economy and responsive systems. The conference was held to explain the smart economy and to overcome the economic problems and bottlenecks.

Digital economy is not a new topic and has a history of 40-50 years in the world. Digital economy is not a choice but a necessity that requires the improvement of customs and taxation systems. In this respect, the second conference on digital economy and responsive systems was held and the digital economy and automation technologies development headquarter is one of the sponsors of the event.

Providing monetary, financial and business solutions within the framework of 1404 vision is the role of public relations in introducing intelligent systems, development of national economy with digital economy development approach were among the topics of the conference.

“Large-scale management of smart and responsive e-government and smart and responsive systems in the country”, “supervising and evaluating open engineering activities and programs and providing intelligent services to executives”, coordinating with all IT executives top executives, and sharing and exchanging knowledge and business caused by automation programs of the country were among the goals of the event.

Other goals included developing solutions to exploit the potential of the private sector, specialized associations and educational, scientific and academic centers, knowledge-based companies, and scientific and technological assistants in the development and deployment of smart systems and the role of public relations in providing intelligent and responsive information and systems.

This technological event was held with various issues, such as compilation of national strategic documents and submission to the competent legal authorities, developing provincial working group plans, actions, and guidelines, and collaborating and interacting with agencies and organizations on the study, design, implementation and monitoring of approved projects.

A report by the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs

  • News group : NEWS,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 49307


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