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  • Jan 21 2020 - 15:14
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The FINODAD 2020 Winter Will Host the Enthusiasts of the Field

The FINODAD 2020 Winter Will Host the Enthusiasts of the Field


The banking system of the country has been linked with new and digital technologies for a few years now. These technologies are supposed to bring banking activities and financial exchanges of the country closer to the global standards. Therefore, the digital economy and automation technologies development headquarter is one of the supporters of the “FINODAD winter event”.

The FINODAD innovation center has aimed to hold two events in the field as one of the new players of the startup ecosystem of the country, aiming to improve the knowledge level of enthusiasts of “RegTech” and “LendTech” and recognize ideas and owners of innovative ideas and active startups in the field.

This February, the mentioned center will host two events focusing on RegTech and LendTech, which are two specialized concepts that play a highlighted role in the development of the banking system of the country. The RegTech field is defined as a type of new field legislation in the financial services industry, where information technology and communication are used to promote and improve the standards of regulatory processes. Another goal is using new technologies to eliminate challenges in the regulatory field. LendTech is also set to make a radical change by leveraging technology, lending systems, facilities and lending to bank customers.

The digital economy and automation technologies development headquarter has cooperated with FINODAD center to hold two events during January 22nd-23rd, 2020.

Iran national science foundation will host this technological event, and enthusiasts of the field who are introduced to the event by the Vice-Presidency can use 70% discount on their registration.

A report by the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs


  • News group : NEWS,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 48939


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