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President: Knowledge-based companies have grown 100-fold

Congratulating the professors and students throughout the country on the beginning of their academic activities, the President emphasised that the university has an important role in creating hope and building trust in the society, and we must work together to strengthen national trust and hope for the future.

Speaking on Sunday at the official beginning of the academic year 1399-1400 of universities and of higher education and technology centres, Dr Hassan Rouhani said, "People's trust is based on the functioning of the system and the government, and if people see that officials and those involved in work and have doubled their efforts, their trust is doubled".

In another part of his speech, the President said, "Nothing can replace face-to-face education in universities, but at the same time, given the current situation that coronavirus has imposed on society, virtual education can play a large part in scientific and research activities".

Dr Rouhani stated that the acquisition of science and knowledge and research and scientific activities is one of the essential needs of society, and said, "Learning in the current situation is different from the past and the process of learning science should continue within the framework of health regulations".

Emphasising that the implementation of the instructions of the National Task Force for Fighting Coronavirus is mandatory for all of us, the President said, "From the first day of coronavirus outbreak, I felt obliged to follow the health protocols in my meetings, travels, programs and activities".

Dr Rouhani described the universities as the training centre for the future managers of the country, the development of new theories in various sciences and guiding how to live, and added, "The university is also a criticising atmosphere for the government, rulers, and communities".

The President stated, "There is no atmosphere more criticising than the student atmosphere, and when this criticism is accompanied by considering the fairness and conditions of the society, it is the best gift for the society and the officials of the country".

Referring to the imposition of severe sanctions on the country by the enemies and the outbreak of coronavirus and their effects on the economy and life of the people, Dr Rouhani said, "During these years, we have not let the enemies reach their main goals, which is breaking the authority of the system, spreading despair in the people and forcing the country to surrender to their unjust desires".

The President added, "It is also an important fact that the country's oil revenues, which were more than $120 billion in 1390, have decreased to a little more than $20 billion last year, and this shows what problems our society is facing".

At the same time, Dr Rouhani emphasised that we should stand on our own two feet and look inward and use our inner abilities and not look outwards, but there is also the fact that without interaction with the world, life is difficult and sometimes impossible.

The president said, "We must stand on our own two feet and provide the conditions for interaction with the world, because the enemy wants to disrupt our relations with the world".

The President also appreciated the sacrifices and efforts made by the country's healthcare staff, who have been at the stage since the beginning of t

  • News group : NEWS,Headquarters,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Department of STI Policy & Evaluation,Deputy for Management Development & Resources ,International Affairs & Technological Exchange Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 69926

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