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Today : Friday Oct 18 2024
  • Jul 20 2020 - 14:02
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Infographic: A Technology for the Sea

The marine industry is one of the most important assets of Iran. It is a large industry with high added value and jobs. This applicable and strategic industry has had considerable growth in Iran with the help of knowledge-based companies and startups.

This has helped us benefit from this high-profit industry in economic flourishing of the country and by indigenous people of the region.

The marine innovation and technology ecosystem of the country has been formed with the activities of 50 knowledge-based companies, one accelerator and 20 related universities, which has been able to bring the first regional rank for Iran in terms of scientific productions.

The following infographic aims to introduce the marine innovation and technology ecosystem:

  • News group : NEWS,Communication & Information Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 68985

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