Holding the 46th meeting of the Permanent Working Group on the Governance of Knowledge-Based Technologies and Products
The 46th meeting of the Permanent Working Group on the Management of Knowledge-Based Technologies and Production was held at the Office of the Vice Presidency of Science, Technology, and Knowledge-Based Economy, in the presence of the Vice President of Science and Technology and members of this working group.

According to the Communication and Information Center in the Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, the 46th meeting of the Permanent Working Group on the Management of Knowledge-Based Technologies and Production was held at the Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy Office, with the presence of Hossein Afshin, Vice President of Science, and members of this working group.
In this meeting, issues related to the Specialized Secretariat of Research and Technology Funds were examined first, and then the representative of the Ministry of Health and Medical Education presented a comprehensive report on this ministry's actions