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Holding "Technology Olympics" in five fields of emerging technologies from next year

The Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy announced the holding of international competitive events in the field of emerging and advanced technologies with the participation of students from Iran and 100 countries around the world.

According to the Communication and Information Center in the Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, the closing ceremony of the annual Iran Artificial Intelligence Award (IAAA) and the "Conquest of the Flag" cyber competition were held with the presence of Ruhollah Dehghani, the Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, General Vahid Majid, the head of Faraja Police, and a group of participants and winners of these two events.

In this ceremony, the vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy announced the holding of an international technological and competitive event in various fields of advanced and emerging technologies next year and added: a series of international and national competitions are planned for the next year, which the activity of the secretariat of this event will start from this year's Fajr decade. These passionate international competitions, which are in the fields of algorithm, information and communication technology, engineering, artificial intelligence, digital economy and other technological fields, motivate and inspire students to progress in the field of technology and flourish their capacities and talents.

He added: Universities are in dire need of these competitions and the creation of a passionate and competitive atmosphere, and this event is designed and implemented based on the need to recognize and accompany the new generation of our country's young people with the capabilities of emerging technologies and engineering on the one hand, and to create areas for technological progress and development on the other hand.

Dehghani stated that the development and progress in emerging technologies is a serious and priority issue in the vice presidency of science, technology and knowledge-based economy, and continued: the vice presidency of science, technology and knowledge-based economy based on global trends, the current needs of the country and the world, has planned in a series of technological fields and put the development of these fields on the agenda.

The vice president for science, technology and knowledge-based economy, referring to stepping in the path of developing emerging technologies, said: fields such as cognitive science, artificial intelligence, connectivity, information and communication, digital economy and other fields of technology that are among disruptive technologies or "projectors" " are placed, both of them can be considered threats or potential opportunities for the country. We believe that artificial intelligence technology, as one of the projective technologies, can be a threat and a great opportunity for our country, and considering that we have a large and valuable potential capacity in terms of brainware and educated manpower, we pay special attention to the field of intelligence. Artificial intelligence and digital economy technology can create an exclusive opportunity and flight window to be in the club of top countries and the leader of this field.

Referring to the necessity of using programs, infrastructures and support mechanisms for the development of advanced technologies, Dehghani said: the existence of program-oriented documents, support and executive mechanisms such as the development of technologies headquarters in this field and the national center or the national artificial intelligence organization are currently negotiating. It can be the basis for the progress of the country in this field. With the studies, support, interactions and negotiations that have been formed between personalities, managers and actors related to this field, we hope to see a significant leap in the field of artificial intelligence next year.

Stating that such events and competitions are one of the tools of technology development and the development of knowledge-based economy, he said: In this year's competition, we witnessed the presence and participation of more than 200 participants, which shows the potential capacity of the country in the field of artificial intelligence.

It should be noted that 600 people participated in the annual artificial intelligence award event and "Conquest of the Flag" competition, of which 64% were individual participants and 36% participated in groups. 83 participants were students and recent university graduates.

The first round of cyber intrusion testing was held under the title of "Conquest of the Arca Flag" with the support of the National Elites Foundation in the form of Shahid Babaei's project with the aim of identifying the areas of Iranian software penetration online.

In the initial competition of Conquest of the Flag, out of 241 registered people, about 50 people participated in the final competition and tested their cyber capabilities.

Mehdi Safari Nia, head of Pardis Technology Park, stated that the member companies of the park had sales of 42 thousand billion tomans and a turnover of 120 thousand billion tomans, which was mainly in the field of information and communication technology and health, and stated: I hope that we will be able to launch the future Olympics of technology. This Olympics will be held in five fields such as robotics, artificial intelligence, coding and drones.

At the end of this ceremony, the winners of the Iran Artificial Intelligence Annual Award (IAAA) event and the Conquest of the Flag cyber competitions were announced by Dehghani, the vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy, Mojtaba Jabaripour, the deputy for the development of Pardis Technology Park, General Vahid Majid, the FATA police chief and received their awards.

  • News group : NEWS,Slider,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Headquarters,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Department of STI Policy & Evaluation,Deputy for Management Development & Resources ,International Affairs & Technological Exchange Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 94521

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