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By order of the president

Dehghani was appointed as the official for the formation of the "National Steering Council and the National Artificial Intelligence Center".

By the decree of the President, the mission of forming the "National Steering Council and National Center for Artificial Intelligence" was assigned to Ruhollah Dehghani, the Vice President of Science.

According to the report of the Communication and Information Center in the Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, in the decree of the President addressed to Dehghani, the purpose of forming this council is to create coordination and synergy between relevant institutions and driving actors in the field of artificial intelligence.

According to the decree of the President, creating a complete and sustainable chain of the cycle of ideas to wealth (market) in artificial intelligence, using the leaping opportunity of artificial intelligence for the economic progress of the country, planning to create infrastructure and domestic technological capabilities to achieve scientific authority and non-sanction ability, efforts to achieve a leading and stable position among the countries of the world, identifying, nurturing and flourishing elite human capital in the field of artificial intelligence by utilizing the capacity of the country's scientific community, including universities, research institutes, think tanks and knowledge-based companies, are among the most important expectations of the president from this council. It is emphasized that to fulfill the tasks and expectations from the council and to pursue coherent and focused technological and economic goals in this field, the establishment of the "National Artificial Intelligence Center" should be put on the agenda.

The chairmanship of the council, which will hold a meeting in the presence of the president or the vice president of science, as the case may be, is with the president or the vice president of science, and the secretary of the council and the head of the National Artificial Intelligence Center are also appointed by the proposal of the vice president of science and by the decree of the president.

Other members of the "National Artificial Intelligence Steering Council" include the Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces, the Vice President and Head of the Program and Budget Organization, the Vice President and Head of the Administrative and Employment Organization, the Ministers of Industry, Mining and Trade, Science, Research and Technology, Health , medical treatment and education, communication and information technology, economic and financial affairs, defense and support of the armed forces, secretary of the Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution, secretary of the Supreme Council of Cyberspace, commander-in-chief of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, head of the National Development Fund, head of the Innovation Fund and Prosperity and two real members have been appointed by the proposal of the secretary of the council and by the decree of the president.

  • News group : NEWS,Slider,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Headquarters,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Department of STI Policy & Evaluation,Deputy for Management Development & Resources ,International Affairs & Technological Exchange Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 94868

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