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Creating a joint technology park in the field of automotive technologies

Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy visited the capacities and capabilities of Jetco Company.

Ruhollah Dehghani, Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, referring to the capabilities of Jetco and the high brainware and technological capability of this knowledge-based company, said: The country's automobile industry is more than 50 years old and has gone through different experiences. In recent years, serious moves have been made to transform the automobile industry. The knowledge-based company Jetco, the capabilities of which we visited today, has gathered nearly 200 of the country's best elites, who investigate and solve the country's automobile issues in the heart of the automobile manufacturer, not in an abstract and distant space. Innovative solutions such as car electronic platform, development of electric car and design and production of parts are among the capabilities of this company.

He stated that solving the fundamental problems and weaknesses of the automobile industry requires the passage of time and the role of knowledge-based companies and creative and technological manpower, and continued: With the strong belief and determination that Iran Khodro has to develop and support the penetration of technology in the automobile industry, we hope to witness significant developments in the country's automobile industry with the help of this capable human force.

He added: The electric car, which has reached the semi-industrial stage today and has successfully passed many tests, is one of the transformative events in the country's car industry, which is designed based on an up-to-date and very accurate standard. By removing the shortcomings and approaching the criteria, this car will be ready to enter the domestic and international market in the very near future.

 Emphasizing that the country's automotive industry has very good infrastructural, technological and production capabilities, but this industry needs a market and support to flourish, Dehghani continued: I remember in 2017 that we visited Iran Khodro. At that time, maybe I, like the general public, was not very familiar with and believed in the capabilities of the automobile industry of my country, but in the 6 months that I worked in Iran Khodro, I came to believe with all my heart that this industry is not only a pioneer, capable and based It is on the current standards of the world, but also has very good infrastructure and brainware capacities.

The head of the National Elites Foundation continued by saying that the main challenge of the automobile industry is not in terms of manpower, technology and hardware, but rather in the economy and the market. to be at the disposal of powerful and large companies. The synergy and integration of companies and the formation of large knowledge-based consortia can help solve this challenge. In developed and technologically advanced countries, ten to twelve large companies operate in a specific industrial field. An example of this is the food sector, and while in Europe the number of titles of big companies may not reach the number of fingers, in our country, 1700 food brands are trying to steal the market from each other. The same challenge exists in the automobile industry, and we have more than 23 active brands in automobile manufacturing in the country, which also has a limited market, and the embargo has a wide shadow on that market. With the small size of the market and the number of car manufacturers, the market limitation forces the car manufacturer to have a limited growth and ultimately be left behind in the international competition.

A solution to consolidate and synergize the country's capacities in the field of automobiles

The Vice-President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-based Economy emphasized the need to create a platform for the joint use of the country's existing capacities and infrastructure in the field of automobiles and said: aggregating and integrating this number of automobile manufacturers is not an easy task. We have several good infrastructures in the country that allow us to produce several million cars per year, while we have serious limitations and bottlenecks in some sectors, this is due to an insular and uncoordinated attitude in development, allocation of credits and support from It is an industry that I consider the reason to be mainly managerial.

He pointed out that if a platform is created for networking and synergy of existing infrastructures and capacities, elites and technology companies are ready to respond to the most important issues of this industry, and said: We must come to believe that innovative, technological, and very good infrastructural measures in The industrial complex of Iran Khodro is underway, and the society, knowing the actions of this great car manufacturer, realizes that the main problem and complication of the country's car industry is not knowledge, technology or infrastructure. Rather, a suitable market should be available to the domestic car manufacturer in the size and scope of this large and extensive industry.

Dehghani pointed out that Jetco is a rich collection of knowledge, technology and software capabilities and can respond to the most demanding needs of the automotive industry, and continued: the active workforce in Jetco is also highly motivated, seeking to solve the strategic and key issues of this industry. The forces whose existence will definitely pave the way for the progress of Iran Khodro and this industry and accelerate the development of the automotive industry.

He stated that in addition to the bright future in the electric and smart car industry, the current cars have a suitable market, he said: In addition to the positive and forward-looking approach that exists in the development of modern and advanced automotive technologies, the capacity of classic and gasoline cars should not be underestimated. Neglected in the field of parts and equipment. These cars still have a very good market of parts and equipment that by defining strategic issues and solving them by the capable and elite human resources of Jetco Company, a significant share of added value and employment can be achieved by taking over the market in this field. It created no need to import them. All in all, Iran Khodro has the ability to be the owner of a modern car platform in the form of mass production and able to compete with other domestic and foreign competitors in the not too distant future.

 Creating a joint technology park in the field of automotive technologies

Vice President for Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy of the President, referring to the creation of a platform for the benefit of creative human resources and ideas from the existing infrastructure of the automobile industry and the development of innovative and technological ideas, said: the formation of a technology park with joint investment, participation and support and synergy of all Activists of the country's automobile industry, in such a way that their infrastructures and capacities are provided to elites and idea owners in an integrated manner, can link the technology and innovation hidden in knowledge-based companies, universities and start-up companies to the strong body of the automobile industry. On the basis of this car-centered technology park, the owners of this industry undertake to present their issues to the owners of ideas and technology located in this center, this issue provides the market of innovative ideas to the owners of technology companies; Also, on the basis of this technology park, it will be possible to share the infrastructure of automobile manufacturers for owners of ideas and technology.

Dehghani continued: This event marks a change that an idea that does not have a customer and will be doomed to failure will be replaced by ideas that have been proposed from the beginning based on a need, and the market for these ideas is also from the automotive industry. It is the problem-oriented and market-oriented view that brings the development of our automobile industry.

Creating a platform for the influence of elites and the transformation of the country

The head of the National Elites Foundation stated that the most important concern of the country's elites is to influence and play a role in moving the country towards progress, and continued: Jetco can, with its very good capacity of human capital, give the elites the opportunity to influence the industry. provide the country's car. Basically, this work means creating a platform for the influence of the elites in a problem-oriented and function-oriented work format so that the problem of industry and the economy of the country can be solved by the elites, while giving the elites a space of motivation and breathing, a field of attraction and permanence. It provides him and leads to the elevation of the country.

He stated that the Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy supports the development of plans to solve industry problems by innovative and elite people with the financial tools at his disposal, and continued: it is possible to create a platform for innovative activity and the sustainability of elites. provided well. Many of these people can now immigrate with multiple incomes, but they don't do it because they want to be influential and transformative in their own country.

The Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, referring to the tools provided in the Knowledge-Based Production Leap Law for the penetration of innovation in industries and supporting the role of elite and innovative people in industries, said: the tax credit provided in the Knowledge-Based Production Leap Law as the opportunity to use the defined tax capacities can help the automobile manufacturer to breathe in the space of technology and innovation. With this planning and good capabilities that exist in Jetco, we hope that a serious move will be taken beyond a small step towards a big action.

Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy


  • News group : NEWS,Slider,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Headquarters,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Department of STI Policy & Evaluation,Deputy for Management Development & Resources ,International Affairs & Technological Exchange Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
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