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“Program of Development of Ecosystem for Creative Companies” Is Announced

“Program of Development of Ecosystem for Creative Companies” Is Announced


Secretary of knowledge-based economy, technology and science development headquarter announced the program of development of ecosystem for creative companies.

According to the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs, Parviz Karami, secretary of knowledge-based economy, technology and science development headquarter, stated: given the necessity of maintenance and improvement of economy of innovation and entrepreneurship in the country, the executive regulations for the program of development of ecosystem for creative companies is announced by the vice president for science and technology affairs.

Advisor to the vice president for science and technology affairs continued: it is expected that this powerful program be carried out through the interaction between various sections of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs, especially the relevant headquarter, evaluation and qualification workgroup for knowledge-based companies, and Pardis technology park as the secretariat of the innovation network of Tehran in proper provision of services to develop the ecosystem and improve the businesses of creative companies and executive affairs of the executive secretariat.  

Karami explained: creation and enhancement of the ecosystem of technology and innovation in new businesses and entrepreneurship to develop the knowledge-based economy is one of the main issues presented in the Vice-Presidency within the general policies of economy of resistance and based on the order by the Supreme Leader.

President of the information center of the Vice-Presidency added: in this regard, implementation of the law to support knowledge-based companies and institutes has led to provision of proper facilities for these companies over the past few years. Currently, more than three thousand knowledge-based companies are active mostly in the area of industries related to knowledge and advanced technology. These companies are developing in terms of economic and social effectiveness and occupation of graduated human resource.

Secretary of knowledge-based economy, technology and science development headquarter pointed out: along with the formation of knowledge-based companies in the society and academic centers, another part of companies and startups are active in cultural industries, providing new businesses and services based on the digital space. These companies have emerged and are growing in this ecosystem due to the support of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs.

According to the advisor to the vice president for science and technology affairs, the main component of growth of these companies is innovation and creativity in presenting new products and services and business models in target markets and not necessarily based on research and development of advanced technologies in the stages of formation and growth.

Karami also asserted: this area has a great potential for creation of occupation and economic prosperity in the country due to its mostly service-related nature. Therefore, in the year with the slogan of “support of Iranian products and national production”, which is determined by the Supreme Leader, the executive regulation of the program for development of the ecosystem for creative companies has been announced and implemented by the soft and identity-making technologies development headquarter as the secretariat of the program.

According to Karami, creative companies are those innovative and private companies, which are either active in creative and cultural industries or have applied new business models (mostly IT-related) in presenting their products and services.

He affirmed: a workgroup consisting of the vice president for science and technology affairs (head of the workgroup), secretary of soft and identity-making technologies development headquarter (secretary of the workgroup), secretary of information, communication and cyberspace development headquarter, secretary of knowledge-based economy, technology and science development headquarter, president of strategic technologies development headquarter, head of the center of knowledge-based companies and institutes and representative of other sections of the Vice-Presidency and relevant organizations is formed to confirm the executive processes and criteria for identifying creative companies, approve appropriate service plans and monitoring the achievement of program goals.

President of the information center introduced the subjective services of this program to be the support of creation of specialized clubs containing each specialized branch of creative companies for needs assessment and follow-up of supply of infrastructures and elimination of business barriers.

Other services of the program of development of ecosystem for creative companies include the support of cooperation with venture capitals through empowerment, financial support and joint investment with the private sector, attracting the cooperation of executive organizations, social responsibilities of companies, non-governmental public units for easy access to companies, facilitation of use of innovative businesses in working environment provided for the public or government section to present services and products and use of the potentials of the agreement between the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs and municipality for location in urban areas.

Other programs pointed out by Karami are providing military service facilities for key active individuals of creative companies, helping the creation and promotion of brand for companies included in this program through holding specialized events, such as top startup event, holding innovation and entrepreneurship festivals, creation of specialized exhibitions, and helping the formation of centers and corridors of services for commercialization. Enthusiasts of this field can refer to the website of ircreative.isti.ir for more information in this area.


  • News group : NEWS,Notes
  • News code : 33239


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