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Today : Thursday Oct 17 2024
  • Jan 31 2015 - 15:51
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  • Study time : 5 minute(s)
Iranian Vice-President for Science and Technology Dr. Sorena Sattari:

Yes, We Can Win the World by Unity, Consensus

Yes, We Can Win the World by Unity, Consensus

It is possible that the ordinary people don’t know anything of the new professional scientific and technological issues but they know about its general concept and issues and the general progress in this field. Whoever you ask, he/she will say that Iran has achieved eye-catching successes in the field of the state-of-the-art science and technologies in recent years. Irans scientific growth in different fields, specially in nanotechnology, is comparable with the growth of nuclear technology which is admitted by the Iranians, aliens, friends and foes and they assume it as a role model for the materialization of the determination and will of a nation. The nanotechnology, nuclear energy, biotechnology and aerospace fields have grown and succeeded due to the consensus among people, scientists and the ruling system that they should take these sciences out of books and classrooms by spending energy and money and create sustainable and knowledge-based development in the country.

Today and on the threshold of the 36th anniversary of the victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, the new technologies have more than anything become a common general discourse in the society which shows that a sympathy and partnership- and consensus- has been created among people, scientists and the ruling system. The human experiences show that consensus is the most important ground for creation of sustainable development of a territory distanced from selling raw underground resources. Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolutions pioneering role, supervision and repeated and current supports for the process of the countrys scientific development and the governmental officials abundant emphasis on this issue are clear signs of the Islamic Republic of Irans firm determination for progress in the scientific and technological field.

Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution recently visited the exhibition of Irans scientific and technological achievements in nanotechnology and voiced satisfaction with the activities in this area and described paying attention to the strong points in this field as useful for making development in other scientific and technological arenas. He underlined certain cases, including, "the management stability" which has been achieved through creation of a supportive umbrella in this field, "precise planning" which has been achieved by the officials and scientists efforts and "making culture and discourse" which has been achieved by the general determination and motivation and planning. If we can strengthen these three contributors in other fields, we will achieve success not only in the new sciences and technologies like nanotechnology or nuclear technology, biotechnology and aerospace technology but also in other political, economic and social fields and will come safe out of the crises and challenges. If there is a consensus between the government and nation and between the society and ruling system, we can settle our problems with the world safely and come victorious out of different economic, political, social and environmental challenges with such a consensus.

Today, the new oil market conditions have created fundamental developments in the world economy and its first symptoms are being witnessed in the oil-rich countries, including our country. Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution and many elites had earlier warned about this situation and had created certain discussions in this regard on strengthening the pivots of knowledge-based economy as one of sustainable replacements for oil. The conditions today, no matter how bad it is, is useful at least from one point of view that it creates sensitivity in the society and paves the ground for creation of an alternative discourse. Today, speaking of knowledge-based economy has more listeners than the past. Today, not only the high-ranking officials, but also the ordinary people pay attention to these remarks enthusiastically and this strengthens the pivots of creation of a firm consensus among people and government for consolidation of a knowledge-based economy. Also, the current dangerous environmental conditions ruling the countrys climate more than being related to the scientific and expert circles, is an issue for discussion in the society and the government. We cannot overcome challenges like the air pollution or the climate changes unless we confront them as a national issue and mobilize all forces of society to this end.

The experience achieved today by the development of science, nanotechnology, nuclear technology and aerospace technology is certainly a subject for happiness and pride but we should be aware and careful that the blessings of these achievements wont merely be limited to the pride and internal satisfaction feelings. Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution underlined this issue during his visit to the exhibition of achievements of the scientific and technological department of presidential office, and described not being excessively proud and not sufficing to the status quo and achieved progress as the contributors to the countrys continued growing scientific move. "Although Irans scientific progress enjoys a higher speed compared with other states and the country ranks 7th in the world in the field of nanotechnology, more efforts should be made to further accelerate the growth of science and technology to compensate for the pasts backwardness," he said.


The todays achievements should more than anything be a role model and motivation for our scientific measures and activities in the future. Anyhow, we are obliged to pass the challenges facing us in different areas and we will pass them surely. Fortunately, the experiences of our successes have shown that our consensus for opening new gates can guarantee our durable successes in the future as it is said: "Yes, we can win the world with unity and consensus".

  • News group : NEWS,Notes
  • News code : 18084


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