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  • May 16 2017 - 13:59
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Three Thousand Knowledge-based Companies Is Our Starting Point.

We will not stop.

We will not stop.

“Creation of one hundred thousand occupations and seven thousand billion dollars over a year”. These statistics are related to Iranian knowledge-based companies. Now is the time for national celebration; a celebration of new beginnings of moving toward growth and advancement. Whatever was required by the government officials is being achieved; one hundred thousand talented and intelligent young individuals were able to find jobs and make their families happy.

Wheels of economy spun faster with a seven thousand billion revenue. Most important of all, significant progress was made in the economy of resistance with the help of knowledge-based economy. Meanwhile, the widespread use of dialogue on science and technology in the society is indicative of the stability of this concept, which gives value to knowledge-based companies. After a while, production of domestically manufactured knowledge-based products will be on the mind of all people. Today, no one talks about Iranian nature of a product in a shameful manner. In fact, Iranian manufacturers talk about their national products with pride. Good days are coming due to the fact that we have an alert, observing and demanding guide in front of this caravan of science and technology.

On the other hand, discussions on knowledge-based economy are being constantly observed in the society, which is greater than political issues. It means that these discussions are nonpolitical and are safe from factional preferences. In addition, they are so inclusive that all walks of life agree with them. Today, there is no one who denies and cannot understand the importance of knowledge-based economy. In election debates, which were the most viewed and most influential programs of these days in Iran, presidential candidates talked about the importance of knowledge-based economy and support of knowledge-based companies with pride. Dialogue on knowledge-based is passed from the elites of the society to the public, talking about plans and strategies in this regard. This is interpreted as appropriate method to pass this knowledge, especially when a sense of advertisement and slogan is added to it. However, everyone knows that this slogan cannot stay at this stage; it has to grow and help our nation. We can assure you that the culture of knowledge-based economy is coming to fruition and soon, people will feel the positive outcomes of this economy, God willing. It is noteworthy that the first fruits of this economy have been tasted by the people, as mentioned in the beginning of the note.


According to the opinion of all political/managing groups, the most recent problems of the world are economic and social problems. Lack of employment and depression are threats to the health of our society. The Islamic Republic of Iran has been able to pass several crises with success by relying on the Islamic revolution and support of the people and presence of various walks of life. We have passed many political, management and social crises and have successfully passed many tests. More than six thousand knowledge-based companies are waiting to obtain approvals. In the most stringent conditions and if only half of them are approved, we will have another powerful and blessed front, results of which can be the creation of new and valuable occupations, worthy outcomes, motivation in the society and relief from depression and emotional pressures caused by unemployment.

However, we need planning and coordination to implement these principles. Experts of this field must be recruited to manage the situation. Fortunately, there are currently three thousand active knowledge-based companies, paving the way for others to join this area. “Three thousand” is not just a number for us to create statistics by decreasing and increasing it. In fact, it is indicative of the beginning of a new era in the economy of the country. The majority of present manager have a traditional attitude toward this issue, dreaming about increasing the development indicators in their minds. Nevertheless, the today’s world is moving toward a new trend and shortcuts have been found to improve the economic condition of a nation. Today, the direct act of the government (establishment of companies and factories) is not necessarily required to eliminate unemployment. If that was the case, the involvement of the government would be much greater and its responsibility toward this issue would be more and more every day. On the other hand, the accurate method is the creation of the foundation for solving unemployment by the government, whether in the field of culture, society, laws or politics, so that the necessary conditions are provided for preparing knowledge-based companies to initiate their activities, presenting knowledge-based services and products to create wealth and occupation.

In fact, today’s experience of the world is that using science, innovation, research and art will lead to wealth creation and spinning of the wheels of the economy in a much more better, simpler and cheaper manner. Over the past few years, especially with regard to the valuable experiences we have obtained in the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs, the condition for start of knowledge-based economy has been prepared.

We have taken great steps in this area and are currently in the middle of its path, which will be finished with the help of God. Recently, we have been able to create culture in this regard, introducing the concept of knowledge-based to the graduated youth of the society. Today is not like the past, when the young individuals of the society would wait for the government to create job for them and provide income and subsidy. Our graduates do not wish to be employed by the government anymore and would not be satisfied with small incomes. Even the wrong, however ancient, culture of selling oil by the government is being eliminated and it is abundantly provided for all walks of life. Expectation from the government has changed and today, the government is not that involved in this area and just creates the necessary foundations due to increased level of culture and knowledge in the government. Instead of creating jobs, the government allows the top talented people, elites and graduated and talented youth to establish knowledge-based companies, which will lead to creation of both occupation and wealth.

Any form of exclusive economy of the government acts as a serious barrier to the development and participation of the public in this field. Presence of three thousand knowledge-based companies is the starting point of concluding of any other project to make advancement in this area. However, we have to be careful not to stop in the middle of this path. Today, we are more able to pass this crisis by the wide participation of the youth. I sincerely appreciate the mentioning and supporting of knowledge-based companies and economy by the presidential candidates in the three broadcasted presidential debates, which led to the familiarization of the public with the mentioned concepts. The train of knowledge-based economy is going forward and God bless those who make efforts to get on board of this train. 


Parviz Karami, advisor to the vice president for science and technology affairs 

  • News group : NEWS,Notes
  • News code : 23848


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