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  • Mar 13 2019 - 19:53
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Secretary of the Knowledge-based Economy and Culture-building Technologies Development Headquarter:

We must preserve the validity and efficiency of Iranian products

We must preserve the validity and efficiency of Iranian products

Secretary of the knowledge-based economy and culture-building technologies development headquarter stated: we should not led Iranian knowledge-based products lose their validity and efficiency.

According to the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs, Parviz Karami, secretary of the knowledge-based economy and culture-building technologies development headquarter, pointed out the necessity of increasing the bravery of managers in purchasing Iranian products in an interview with journalists of the field of medical science technology, asserting: unfortunately, government companies are still not eager to purchase Iranian knowledge-based products, which has led to complaints by some of the knowledge-based companies.

He added: we should not rely on foreign import to prepare a product. We must aim to create knowledge-based products that show validity and efficiency.

According to Karami, the science and technology fields is a high-risk area. However, managers must help the growth and flourishing of Iranian products and domestic production by accepting this risk.

Secretary of the knowledge-based economy and culture-building technologies development headquarter continued: companies that use knowledge-based products are not ensured of the domestic products. As the president announced during the visit of Pardis Technology Park, managers must be brave and take the necessary risk for knowledge-based companies of Iran to grow and develop.

We Must Open the Space for Entrance of Scientists to the Economy

Karami also mentioned that the proper space must be created for scientists so that they could become popular in the global community. In this regard, he affirmed: as long as our managers are not brave enough to buy Iranian products, the knowledge-based economy will not flourish that much.

He added: for instance, as our soccer players are recruited by popular European teams and we can show our efficiency by this issue, the doors of the economy must be opened to scientists of the country.

Advisor to the vice president for science and technology affairs believes that an environment must be created for scientists and knowledge-based companies to be used in the country before being recognized by the global community.

In terms of the creativity of knowledge-based companies, he expressed: until the risk of purchasing knowledge-based products exists in the country and our authorities are not brave enough to purchase Iranian products, the creativity of knowledge-based companies will not be shown.

We Must Increase the Share of Knowledge-based Companies in the Economy of the Country

Karami pointed out the performance of government companies against knowledge-based products, conveying: in visiting a knowledge-based company its CEO complained about the refusal of domestic managers to buy company products. Unfortunately, limited companies take the risk of purchasing knowledge-based products.

Secretary of the knowledge-based economy and culture-building technologies development headquarter continued: government companies must respond to this question that why they do not purchase from knowledge-based companies. One of the causes of lack of proper presenting of knowledge-based companies inside and outside the country must be this issue.

According to Karami, the knowledge-based companies are not free in their field of work. To solve these problems, government managers and those who deal with large economic structures must allocate a part of their activities to knowledge-based companies.

Pointing out the mainstreaming by the Vice-Presidency to support knowledge-based companies, Karami asserted: the Vice-Presidency has dedicated extensive efforts to this issue. In addition, various instructions and regulations have been developed in this area. Each company that refers to the Vice-Presidency, the representative of the Vice-Presidency will initiated its work for evaluation, follow-up and solving their problems.

Karami also claimed: support of Knowledge-based companies must be carried out over discourse at first. If the problems are not legally solved, we must take the practical measures and follow up the issue through the president and ministers of the country.

  • News group : Notes
  • News code : 43112


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